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Chapter 7

   Taking out the red pen, Zhao Jianchun checked every question Ming Xia answered against the answers.

    The more he changed, the more shocked he became.

    That's right!

    This question is also right!

    Why is this question still correct? ! !

    Looking at the series of red ticks on the page, Zhao Jianchun's heart was filled with waves.

    If one question is correct, it can be said to be a coincidence, if two questions are correct, it can barely be said to be good luck, but if every question is answered correctly, it can only be that the strength is really there.

    But he has taught Ming Xia for so long, not to mention the test results, and even the usual questions in class, he has never seen her answer them a few times.

    As for the subject of mathematics, it is true that if you want to learn well, talent is indeed more important than hard work. But no matter how talented he is, it doesn't mean that he can reach the outstanding level that Ming Xia is showing now by just reading books for a day or two.

    Mathematical thinking mode can only be established after a lot of practice.

    This stinky girl... is obviously very talented, and she has done her homework in private, but she has been hiding her clumsiness for so long. Her acting skills are amazing, her parents and teachers didn't realize it, and she was anxious about her future all day long.

    Thinking of this, Zhao Jianchun couldn't help looking at Ming Xia with complicated eyes.

    Under Zhao Jianchun's watchful eyes, Ming Xia stood up straight silently, her face remained unchanged, seemingly calm, but her heart was beating quietly: Why does the teacher look at her with such eyes? You don't want her to make up the process, do you? do not! What if the car overturns!

    Just when Ming Xia was feeling uneasy, Zhao Jianchun finally said, "Can you tell the teacher why you did this?

    " ".

    Why else? Just to avoid being classified as cheating!

    "Because the pressure is too great, I don't like pressure. But now that I'm in my third year of high school and the college entrance examination is about to happen, I can't continue like this." Ming Xia replied with a straight face.

    Zhao Jianchun nodded slightly, as if he could understand her reason, opened his mouth, and was about to say something, when he heard Wang Fei's voice suddenly coming from the office door.

    "Liu Yanrui, you've been standing here for a long time, can you enter the office? If you don't, get out of the way, don't block the door, block the way."

    Ming Xia turned around and saw Wang Fei push open the office door and leave Come in with a book and a pen in your hand.

    The color and thickness of the book looked familiar. When Wang Fei approached, Ming Xia took a closer look.

    It was actually the mathematics "Math Five Three" that she sent? ? ?

    Ming Xia was startled.

    The person who was also shocked was Zhao Jianchun.

    In terms of study, Wang Fei gave him more headaches than Ming Xia. He didn't do it deliberately against the teacher, but he simply hated studying, and letting him study was like killing him.

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