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Chapter 133

    Originally, the country's expectation for Ming Xia was to let her use the "specialties" shown in her previous research and development results to save costs for the country. The expected completion time of the experiment was almost two years.

    If it is said that Ming Xia really only aims at this, of course it will be done soon. But in fact, from mid-March of that year, Ming Xia officially entered the military research base to start related research, and then completed the research on the "light quantum weapon" proposed by herself, but it took a full five years time.

    During these five years, Ming Xia has successfully completed various unprecedented "feats".

    One of the feats: Following the Wolf Prize in Mathematics, Ming Xia won the Fields Medal, and proposed the "Ming Xia Hypothesis", which is a new milestone in the mathematics field in the true sense.

    In the field of mathematics, the Wolf Prize in Mathematics and the Fields Medal are jointly hailed as the highest honor in the field of mathematics.

    The Wolf Prize in Mathematics is awarded once a year, and there is no age limit for the winners, while the Fields Medal is awarded every four years, and the age of the winners must be under 40. Therefore, although it is also the highest honor, relatively speaking, it is more difficult to obtain the Fields Medal, which means it has a higher gold content in the eyes of everyone.

    However, for Ming Xia, the threshold for these two awards seems to be gone. The Wolf Mathematics Award was obtained when she was an undergraduate, and the Fields Medal was announced as soon as the award time came. You can get it easily, not to mention how enviable it is.

    But after thinking about it, there is actually no need to envy. After all, those who have proved both the Goldbach conjecture and the Riemann hypothesis, overturned the famous YLZ theorem, and proposed a total of nine new theories from MX1 to MX9 are fully worthy of these awards.

    Yes, when studying nuclear physics, in order to prove that some of his advanced ideas have theoretical basis, Ming Xia deliberately put forward eight new theories, and continued to name them in order from MX2 to MX9.

    In this regard, the outside world "quite critical."

    If people study mathematics and can develop a theory in a lifetime, it is already very good. As a result, you are like selling cabbage in a vegetable market. In just five years, you have thrown out eight new theories, with an average of one or two per year. It is really enviable. I don’t know how to be envious. "Silently looking up at the big guy's online scientific research.

    On the day of the award ceremony, Ming Xia was still dressed in the same Chinese-style outfit as when she went to Jerusalem to attend the Wolf Mathematics Prize award ceremony, but she chose a more representative curvy deep garment.

    Shenyi can be traced back to the Qin and Han Dynasties. It can be worn by both men and women. It can be used as a formal dress or for daily use. It can be regarded as a more practical type of Hanfu. It is still a high-end model produced by Datang Culture Company. Mingxia chose the brocade material. The pattern is the classic "twig peony". The flowers are more and more full and in full bloom, and the vines, leaf buds and flower buds complement each other, as if forming a special rhythm of its own.

    As one of the types of clothing, strictly speaking, it cannot be said that Hanfu is suitable for people, after all, every type of clothing is suitable for people. However, when Ming Xia stood on the stage in that deep curly dress and talked about her experience and thoughts on mathematics research over the years, people realized unprecedentedly that Hanfu is actually for picking people, good-looking people It will look better when you wear it.

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