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Chapter 66

    "X" dealt with those snakes so neatly that it surprised everyone in "IHU".

    what! Suddenly remembered! I also owe "X" a promise!

    They thought that if they died sooner or later, they would be dead, so they simply urged the spider to find "X".

    Spider: ...

    "X" Is that what he was looking for? There is no contact information at all, so they can only wait for X to find them!

    But soon, Ming Xia thought of them as expected.

    The things Snake did in the ONT browser reminded Ming Xia. She thought that she had always been polite and correct, but the other party didn't necessarily think so, or might have other ideas, thinking that she was provocative and intentional, and then caused many troubles again.

    After thinking about it, Ming Xia logged into the "IHU" forum again, and posted:

    Please fulfill your promise. (Please fulfill your promise.)——

    In post X, Ming Xia requested that all those who lost to her in the challenge is not allowed to attack Huaguo's network, nor can it indirectly affect it.

    Of course, if they don’t want to, they also have a second choice, which is to stay in prison, and be responsible for the crimes they committed before, just like those in the “ONT Incident”.

    Go to jail, or just promise a simple promise, not an option.

    222222! ! ! Who is so crazy that he is willing to go to jail!

    After posting the post, Ming Xia had a private chat with the leader of the "IHU" administrator, spider, and expressed the hope that he would fulfill his previous promise and restrain everyone in the forum. If one of them did the same thing as snake, she wouldn't be relentless.

    Spider saw how miserable Snake and the others were. The inside and outside of the industry were lost, and the water meter was checked outside the industry. He also knew that "X" was not a joke, so he quickly complied.

    After doing this, Ming Xia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

    She doesn't have that much patience to deal with them. Learning is the first, and contributing to the motherland is the first!

    Turn off the computer, open the bed curtain, Ming Xia got out of bed.

    Cao Lulu, who was reading under the bed, raised her head when she heard the sound, "Sister Ming, how is your thesis going?"

    Ming Xia: ...

    Oops, she forgot the excuse she made up so casually.

    Take the proof paper of "Zhou's guess"? No, no, the time is not right, this article has been submitted to SCI a long time ago.

    At this moment, Ming Xia suddenly realized that the excuse he made up casually seemed to be a big trouble.

    She is going to write another thesis...

    Ming Xia Nei smiled bloodily: "No, I just sorted out the general idea, and I'm still thinking about how to write it."

    Cao Lulu nodded, empathizing very much: "Writing a thesis It's really difficult. I tried to write it before, and it's more troublesome than doing math problems. However, sister Ming, you have already entered the finals of the "Chengqiu Yu Mathematics Award". You have a little experience, so you probably can't write well. It 's too tight."

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