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Chapter 110

    "Creature?" Hearing this, Gu Huizhou was taken aback for a moment, his face was somewhat puzzled, and his eyes were blank.

    He was still thinking about what his father said inadvertently when he was drunk when he was at home just now, worried that Ming Xia would misunderstand and get angry, and wanted to explain but didn't know how to speak. At this time, when she heard her suddenly mentioning biology, she thought it was a random topic, so she didn't continue to struggle, and nodded: "Well, I need to know a little bit about work."

    Restoration of cultural relics does not only need to be able to do it, the relevant principles You have to know, too, in case you do something irreparably wrong. After all, cultural relics are the embodiment of historical precipitation and cannot be copied. Small mistakes can be saved, but big mistakes will never have a chance to come back, so we must be cautious. Therefore, in fact, not only biology, but also physics and chemistry must have a certain understanding, and it must reach a professional level.

    Hearing Gu Huizhou's words, Ming Xia felt relieved.

    She quietly took a deep breath, pursed her lips, her heart was pounding, nervous, excited, expectant, apprehensive... too many emotions seemed to have a party in her heart, and the group of demons danced wildly, making her feel uncomfortable no matter what. Can't calm down. Of course, people who can calm down under such circumstances are indeed quite powerful to a certain extent.

    But even if you can't calm down, there are some things that must be said.

    Finally, Ming Xia raised his eyes, stared at Gu Huizhou closely, and asked, "Do you know about phenylethylamine?"

    Phenylethylamine is a neurostimulant secreted by the brain, which can make people feel distracted. Feeling is also the beginning of love. Therefore, it can be said that a romantic encounter, a good interaction, and a good encounter will all stimulate the secretion of phenylethylamine and make the budding of love happen.

    Ming Xia will never forget the first time he saw Gu Huizhou.

    Passing by the red wall and yellow tiles, and entering that quiet room, there are many small metal parts on the old table by the window, and he is sitting behind, holding the tweezers with slender and well-articulated hands, and his thin lips pursed into a cold line. The line seems inaccessible, looking down at the parts in his hand, but there is tenderness in the light-colored pupils. The neck is long and slender, the Adam's apple is sharp, and the folds on the smoke gray sweater are careless. Mingmu's sunshine is warm, but she looks more noble and cold. She has a strong sense of gentleman, but it doesn't give people a sense of spring breeze. I feel that he should just sit there, dignified and undisturbed.

    She admitted that at that time, for a moment, she was heartbroken. It's just that what she didn't know was that

    as early as that time, she knew that Gu Huizhou and the restoration of cultural relics should have a deep relationship. It's just that she didn't expect at that time that she and him could have such a fate.

    Being stared at by Ming Xia like this, Gu Huizhou couldn't help becoming nervous, and deliberately went through the words in his head again, making sure that he wouldn't say reckless words like his father's drunk gaffe, before he said: "I know, it has Hygroscopic, immiscible with water, relative density 0.950, refractive index 1.5260, people who are often depressed, most of them have low levels of phenylethylamine in their bodies, and chocolate is rich in phenylethylamine." As

    he said, it seemed to be Suddenly thought of something, Gu Huizhou seemed to be juggling, and suddenly took out a piece of dark chocolate from his pocket, which was Ming Xia's favorite flavor of hazelnut and almond sandwich, and handed it to her: "I was in a hurry to go out, so I only had time to get one. You don't eat much at night, so eat this as a cushion."

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