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Chapter 56

    In any forum, there are levels of webmasters, administrators, members, and visitors. Tourists have the lowest level, and their permissions are limited to browsing, and they do not have further functions such as posting, replying, or private messages.

    But "ihu" is an international hacker concentration camp after all. Unlike ordinary forums, the definition of these levels of authority is not so high.

    Tourists are equivalent to ordinary users, anyone who can find this forum can become a member, no need to register, very convenient. The ten members are people who have been stamped as bosses, and the three administrators are the bosses among the bosses, recognized as the top existence in the hacker world.

    Although the webmaster of "ihu" has an account and nicknamed "haker", it is actually just a symbol of the alliance, not a real person, and is controlled by three administrators behind the scenes.

    It is a bit similar to the feeling of the separation of powers in a federal system.

    Ming Xia didn't intend to stay here permanently, but just wanted to try the firewall, so he changed several springboards, opened the virtual machine, and opened the "Tuanzi" to make sure that his real address and identity would not be discovered before using the tourist Temporary vest posted.

    At this point, it was past four o'clock in the morning, and Ming Xia, who always went to bed early and woke up early, was so sleepy that she turned on the computer to keep the "tuanzi" running, then packed up and lay down on the bed to sleep.

    The country of Hua is located in Asia, and there is a time difference between the United States and the United States in Europe. The time when Ming Xia feels compelled to sleep, for the spiders living in the United States, it is just in the afternoon, and it is time to be on duty.

    Woke up, washed up, went to the living room to get a baguette, thought about it, bent down again, dragged out the cardboard box under the coffee table, took a bottle of pure milk, then sat down in front of the computer, turned it on, and logged in to the "ihu" administrator account, eat and drink, and check the forum by the way.

    That's right, the job of a spider is a hacker. The so-called on-duty is the schedule arranged by the three administrators to check the forum within the set time.

    There is no salary, and there is no need for salary, because being an administrator in "ihu" is a manifestation of glory in itself, and only the top three with the strongest strength can be employed. And money is such a vulgar thing, just pick up an order casually, and it will be credited immediately, which is meaningless at all.

    Regarding the determination of the administrator's strength, "ihu" adopts a "challenge system". That is to say, if you are not satisfied with the strength of a certain administrator, even if you are just a tourist, you can initiate a challenge casually.

    If you win the challenge, you will be given the status of member or administrator and accept the punishment you give. Of course, if the challenge fails, correspondingly, you have to accept the punishment from the victorious challenged party. No matter how inhumane, dangerous and illegal the punishment is, you have to work hard to complete it.

    Don't want to finish? In today’s information age for all, it’s not easy to find someone, especially the hackers from the “dark net” who don’t have such a strong sense of morality. Can you really bear this kind of threat and pain?

    Therefore, every class of administrators, apart from the fact that there are enough computer hackers, is in some respects lunatics who risk their lives. This is also the characteristic of the "dark net".

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