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Chapter 131

    The experiment is absolutely confidential, and I don’t want my family to worry about it. Of course, Ming Xia couldn’t tell his family the real reason for moving. Even the house was borrowed in Feng Huayi’s name, saying that he took care of her, and he also valued the future development of holographic technology. This new residence in Shoujing was just arranged.

    "Xia Xia, do I have to move?" In the

    bedroom, Mother Ming was packing her clothes, looked at Ming Xia who was tidying the bedside table, and said hesitantly: "Actually, I wanted to talk about it when I first moved here. Your dad and I don’t need to be so particular, we have to live in some kind of villa area, with military protection, it feels weird and uncomfortable.”

    Of course, these are the reasons for random talking, and the next few sentences are the clear The real reason why my mother didn't want to move: "You are only 20 years old, and you are already so tired. Just live a good life, don't have too many burdens, and think so much. Your dad and I are used to living here. Friends here Many, the small county town is pretty good, you can live comfortably, and you really don’t need to move to Shoujing on purpose, which will not only cause trouble for you and little Gu Ping, but also trouble for Minister Feng.” What

    Ming’s mother said was also what Ming’s father meant. They know that their daughter is not ordinary, and her achievements far exceed those of her peers, and it can even be said that she is one of the few in the country. Otherwise, Lao Wang, who always shows off his precious son, would not be envious every time. Just a Wolf Mathematics Prize is enough, let alone the invention of holographic technology nowadays.

    They were all from rural backgrounds, with low education, and spent their entire lives in small towns. They didn't understand the people and things their daughter was doing now, so they couldn't help them.

    Hearing this, Ming Xia was helpless, and she couldn't tell the truth that the country was protecting her family, so she found a plausible excuse: "Mom, Minister Feng just made a report to the higher-ups before he arranged this house for us. It's an exceptional arrangement, it's for our own good, and refusing is causing trouble for others."

    Feng Huayi is the Minister of Defense, and he has a very important weight on Ming's father and Ming's mother's side. Hearing what Ming Xia said, he didn't continue to insist , Continue to pack your luggage.

    In the living room, there are large and small suitcases, and a lot of them have been sorted out. Father Ming took out the phone from his trousers pocket, and was about to call the familiar moving company when Ming Xia stopped him.

    "Not everyone can enter there. Minister Feng said earlier that there are designated personnel who will help us carry our luggage and go through inspections. There is no need to contact the moving company." Under Ming's father's puzzled gaze, Ming Xia explained.

    Do you need to appoint a person even if you move house?

    Father Ming was taken aback by what she said, and after waiting curiously and tangled for two days, he saw three military vehicles driving into the yard of their house in an orderly manner. A few tall and strong soldiers got out of the car, led by one of the officers, and showed their relevant documents one after another, expressing that they were responsible for helping them move.

    After introducing myself, I politely asked Father Ming to confirm that the boxes in the living room could be moved, and the soldiers began to help carry the luggage. Seeing those soldiers wearing camouflage military uniforms, rolling up their sleeves, bending over once to move a box for themselves, Ming's father and Ming's mother were stunned.

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