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Chapter 29

    "Light of Hope" English Talent Competition, before the provincial competition, there are also qualifying competitions, preliminary competitions and semi-finals organized by cities and counties.

    Only contestants who have successfully qualified for the qualifying round can participate in the preliminary round.

    The preliminaries are organized by the city-level competition areas in various places. The form of the competition is mainly language-related topics. There are two rounds. In the end, the results are accumulated and sorted. Only less than 50% of the contestants can advance to the semi-finals.

    Ming Xia's motion sickness is not the kind of car that will be shaken and dizzy when driving, but the unique smell in the car, which makes her temples twitch and she can't help but feel nauseous.

    It was the first time that Wang Fei's mother had heard her son say that he wanted to participate in the competition, and he had even passed the qualifying round. Before, it was not enough to just help pack the suitcases, and she insisted on driving them there in person.

    In this regard, Ming's mother deeply agreed, and worried that it would be unsafe for their three children to go out by themselves.

    Anyway, he was going to compete in the city, and the results were the same whether he went by himself or was sent. But since it was sent, the family members are more at ease, so there is nothing wrong with it.

    Ming Xia was sitting on the right side of the back row. As soon as he got in the car, he immediately lowered the window beside him by half. With a piece of plum candy in his mouth, he also took out his mobile phone and put on the earphones to listen to music.

    Feeling the wind constantly blowing into the car from the windows, bringing wisps of fresh air, the smell in the car seemed to be less obvious than before, Ming Xia felt much better now, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

    Fortunately, the county where they lived was not far from the city center, and they were driving by themselves at a high speed. Before Ming Xia felt overwhelmed, they had already arrived at their destination.

    Tomorrow's game, I have to sign in early today, and by the way, I need to learn about the game.

    Wang Fei's mother sent them to the gate of the competition hall: "You go in, I will find a hotel nearby and help you arrange your luggage."

    There is no parking here, and after they got off, Wang Fei's mother left , Said it was a phone call.

    Usually, as long as you take the car, no matter how long it takes, Ming Xia needs about a minute to stand still and relax.

    After getting off the car, Wu Qiqi saw that Ming Xia was not in good condition, looked around and saw that there was a fruit shop opposite, which seemed to sell oranges, so she turned her head and said to Wang Fei; "I'm going to buy some oranges, you and Sister Ming stands here and does not move, wait for me to come back."

    Hearing her words, Wang Fei was shocked: "Wu Qiqi, you are going to fly, rebel!!!"

    Wu Qiqi: ...? ? ?

    After breathing the air for a while, Ming Xia's condition has almost slowed down. Hearing this, she looked at Wang Fei suspiciously, and happened to meet his eyes.

    Wang Fei: "Sister Ming, Wu Qiqi said she wants to be our father!" In

    Zhu Ziqing's famous essay called "Back View", it is written:

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