Chapter One

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Author's Pov:

In a dark and lonely room, a boy sat, hugging his knees. He stared blankly at the bed, humming softly to himself. Many people are afraid of spending their remaining lives in a dark room, but this boy found comfort there. He knew they wouldn't come in the dark because they never did before.

Many people were curious about him when he was first sent to the mental hospital because he was different and unique. He never spoke, cried, or smiled. It seemed like he never had emotions, but, oh, I wish they knew him before. This led people to start calling him "the taken soul." They believed he was cursed, and his soul was taken, leaving only his body as punishment.

Many doctors tried to talk with him, but he never spoke, only staring blankly at the bed. Finally, everyone gave up, thinking that if he didn't want to cooperate, there was nothing they could do to help him.

After a year, he was forgotten, and his case became as normal as any other. He was left alone with his thoughts. Many would think that's not fair, but that's how the world works. People will be with you for a day or two, and when they get bored, they'll leave.

That was until today. The door opened slowly, making a creaking sound that allowed a little light to enter. The boy's head snapped towards the door, thinking they had come again. His breathing quickened, and his chest rose and fell faster.

When the person at the door noticed this, he quickly closed it, causing the room to go dark again. Seeing the boy slowly calm down, the man walked towards him and stood in front of him.

As the little boy noticed two legs in front of him, he slowly looked up. His breath hitched when he saw the handsome man looking at him softly. However, he looked away quickly, not wanting to make the same mistake again because they were all the same.

The man carefully sat in front of him and called his name quietly and softly, as if the boy in front of him was fragile like a broken glass, "Jungkook, baby."

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