Chapter Five

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Author's POV:

The next morning came, and a little fluff ball was sleeping soundly in the bed after so long, without any worry about the world, covered fully so only his head could be seen, which made him too cute for the world.

That's when the room's door opened slowly, and a head peeked inside. Taehyung smiled softly, seeing Jungkook sleeping peacefully in the bed. He slowly walked towards the bed.

When he saw Jungkook was in a deep slumber, he took something from his bag slowly and placed it on the floor. He then sat down on the floor, too, waiting patiently for Jungkook to wake up.

Taehyung's POV:

I was sitting on the floor and admiring Jungkook. He is looking so cute right now. He was pouting cutely while hugging the pillow, which made me smile fondly. He still has the habit, except that in the past, I was the one that he was hugging. I know somewhere inside him, there is still the childish and playful bunny alive, but he is too afraid to show that part. I don't know what happened to him, but I know that asshole has something to do with it, and I swear I'll take my bun's revenge. I just need to bring my bun back to his past self, and then I'll never let him leave my side.

As I was thinking, I heard a small whimper, and when I looked up, I saw Jungkook sitting on the bed and rubbing his eyes with his hands. Cute. This caused me to chuckle, and he looked at me immediately in fear. When he saw that it was me, he calmed down a little. It made me smile widely, seeing how comfortable he has become with me. He slowly got up and sat in his usual corner. I cleared my throat and put the board and cards in front of him.

He looked at me confused, causing me to smile, and then started explaining it, "Petal, it's a game. We're going to play this game today. You need to roll the dice and get whatever number you get. You need to move that many digits. Lastly, whatever number you get on the board, you need to take that number card and answer the question inside it. I want to make it clear beforehand that there aren't any private questions that may trigger you, and if any question makes you uncomfortable, you just need to shake your head no, and we'll move on from that question. You can tell me about your past whenever you are comfortable, ok? And I know you wouldn't want to talk, so I got you a notebook and a pen. You can just write the answers. Please play with me; I'm bored. So I'll start first".

He was still just staring at me and saying nothing. I just sighed and took the dice. I shook it for a few minutes and threw it on the board. I saw that I have gotten 5.

"Hmm, so it is asking who is dearest to me? Well... I had a little bunny when I was young. I loved him a lot, but unfortunately, a heartless person took him away from me", I said.

He looked at me curiously, as if saying to tell me more.

I smiled and started, "Well, I had a little bunny that my aunt gave me, but her husband was very bad. Like, very, very bad. I loved that bunny a lot, and I still do, but there was a secret that..... my bunny had a power".

He widened his eyes and curiously kept staring at me with his large, doe eyes.

I continued, "So when that bad man got to know that secret, he took my bunny away from me".

I pouted and saw him staring at me, and he also slowly started to mimic my pout. I looked at him with fake anger, and he smiled. What the f.. duck? He SMILED. When he noticed what he was doing, he stopped smiling immediately.

"Ok, my turn is finished. Now it's your turn. Come on", I said.

He slowly took the dice in his hands, shook it for a few seconds, and threw it a bit ... harshly, which hit my hand. He looked at me with wide eyes when I started pouting. I looked at him, and he was still staring at me with widened eyes and an open mouth.

Suddenly, an idea came into my mind. I kept looking at him, and slowly, a "tear" came out of my eye, and that's when he started to panic. I started "crying" more loudly, and he moved toward me a little bit, not knowing what to do. I opened my arms, indicating for him to hug me.

When I opened one of my eyes secretly, he was still hesitating to hug me. I closed my eye again and started "crying" more loudly. That's when I felt soft hands hugging me. I sighed happily and hugged him back. Finally, I stopped crying and sniffed "sadly". He started humming softly, causing me to smile. When he saw me calming down again, he sat down in his previous spot.

He took the dice again and threw them gently this time. When I looked down, it was number 3. He took the card and looked at it for a few seconds before slowly forwarding his hands at me. I looked at his hand confusedly for a few seconds, then got what he was asking for. He was asking for the notebook, which I gave him gladly. He started writing inside it and slowly forwarded it toward me after she finished writing. I looked at the paper, and it said to play video games. I think the question was what he likes to do.

I smiled at him and said, "I'll bring you video games tomorrow so we can play".

He nodded softly.

We continued playing until I noticed it was getting late. Kook needs to eat, as he can be hungry. At that moment, I heard a knock. As I was about to get up, I felt a tug on my shirt. I looked toward Kook and saw him looking fearfully at the door. He slowly started panicking and started breathing heavily. As I was about to comfort him, a loud bang was heard across the door, and it continued. That was the last straw, Jungkook burst into tears. I got up and rushed toward the door.

When I opened it, I saw that the staff working here had come with Jungkook's food, which I had ordered. I took the food from the staff and put it on the floor before giving him a hard punch in the face. He groaned and looked at me, scared. I glared at him, and he ran away for his life.

I looked back at Jungkook and saw him having a panic attack. He was wheezing and slowly turning blue. He was looking anxiously around the room as if someone were going to attack him. He was shaking uncontrollably, as if he's having a seizure. I slowly walked towards him, careful not to scare him more, and softly started singing the song. He started frantically looking around, searching for the voice.

I got confused, and after some time, I got to know that he was in a daze. I slowly went toward him, still singing. I placed him on my lap, but he started thrashing around. I started rocking him, but he wasn't calming down. I started calling him, but it looked like it wasn't working.

After a few minutes, he fell limp on my lap. I sighed, looking at him. I couldn't hold it in anymore, so I started crying. Before I knew it, I was in full-sobbing mode. I hugged him closer to myself and started sniffing his hair, which helped me slowly calm down.

After, I guess, an hour, I felt movement in my lap. When I looked down, I saw Jungkook slowly starting to get conscious. He looked at me, and I smiled at him. I slowly put him on the bed and went to get the food. I slowly sat down on the bed with him while he was staring at my every action. I slowly started feeding him, and he ate it without any tantrums. I looked outside and saw that it was already dark.

When I finished feeding him, I laid him down and started singing the song that his aunt would always sing for him, and in no time, he fell asleep. I tugged him into bed and went out of the room. When I got out of the hospital, I sighed and suddenly started feeling hungry. Maybe it's time for hunting, I smirked.

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