Chapter Seventeen

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Author's POV:

When everyone woke up after a long nap, they went downstairs to eat their lunch. Everyone took their seat except Jungkook, who sat on Taehyung's lap and started eating the food that was being fed by Taehyung, giggling when Taehyung would peck his lips. Everyone was looking at them in awe, but the moment was interrupted by a scream.

Everyone looked at Jin worriedly, who got up and started screaming. They started laughing, already knowing what was happening.

After a few minutes, when Jin calmed down, he glared at Jungkook, who was looking at him with his innocent doe eyes while showing him his bunny smile, but his smile fell down when Jin's face got red, and he shouted, "What is your problem, huh? Just because you're pampered by everyone doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. What if I was allergic to any of these things? Do you even care about anyone else, huh? Just because you were raped doesn't give you the right to do whatever you want."

Everyone was looking at Jin with a shocked face and about Taekook. Jungkook was sobbing very hard after Jin finished his hurtful words, and Taehyung was breathing heavily. His eyes were changing colors; his neck veins could be seen popping and slowly changing to black; his fangs were burning and he wanted the blood of whoever made his mate cry; his heart was thumping loudly, wanting to stop the heart of the person beating who made his mate cry; black fog slowly started appearing around them; his nails got long and he was itching to cut the person who made his mate sad to pieces. His hair started changing to gray and red. His eyes suddenly stopped being black and red; one of his eyeballs completely turned black, and the other completely turned red.

He placed a crying Jungkook on the chair and got up, staring dangerously at Jin. Everyone saw his eyes and knew this wasn't good because, according to his eyes, both his devil and vampire sides took control. The problem is that his devil side isn't well trained. The side that was locked all these years got freed. They know that their ego got hurt by someone shouting at their mate in front of them. And their love got mocked by this action of Jin.

Before anyone had a chance to do anything, Taehyung attacked Jin and started strangling him.

Everyone got worried for Jin, but they were angry too at him for mentioning Kook's past when he was moving on, and they were scared too. They are scared for their lives, but Jhope needed to get him off his mate. He went to Jungkook and fell to his feet.

"Please tell Taehyung to spare my mate; please, Jungkookie, he won't do it again", he begged Jungkook.

Before Jhope even knew what was happening, his hand was held painfully and tightly, and he was thrown harshly far away from Jungkook, which caused his hand bone to break in half and his hand to start bleeding badly.

When he saw his hand, he screamed his lungs out because of the pain and the horrendous state it looked like. Everyone looked at Jhope with fear and worry, and then at Jin. His face was red, and he had scratches decorated on his face. He was gasping for air while holding his neck.

After that, they looked at Taehyung, who was holding a crying and shaking Jungkook in his arms while Jungkook buried his face in Taehyung's neck and continued sobbing. Taehyung was looking at everyone with his black and red eyes, but they gasped when they saw that his other eyeball was also slowly starting to change to black, and everyone except Jin and Jungkook knew that this wasn't going to be good.

This means that his brutal and merciless side is taking over from his vampire side, who was helping him a little bit to not kill everyone, but if the vampire side is also gone, then no one in this house can stay alive. They're afraid because this devil side, which they locked down because it was killing literally everyone after Jungkook got kidnapped, is freed again, and wants revenge.

When Jungkook got kidnapped, Taehyung's demon side took over and completely went mad after not finding Jungkook beside him. His devil side was only attached to Jungkook, and only Jungkook could tame him. When he couldn't find Jungkook, he started killing anyone who came in front of his eyes, but Jimin's mother somehow locked that side of him with black magic, and unfortunately, she lost her life in the process. Jimin was heartbroken, but after Taehyung begged for his forgiveness, he forgave him.

Taehyung was going to attack Jin again but stopped when he felt soft lips on top of his lips. He stopped moving and closed his eyes when he got the thing he was craving. He started moving his lips and then started kissing him hungrily. He squeezed Jungkook's ass cheeks, causing Jungkook to moan. He entered his tongue inside Jungkook's mouth and started tasting his wet and warm cavern.

After a few minutes of their makeout, he opened his eyes, and they were back to their normal color. He looked at everyone, and they were looking at him with scared eyes. He looked at Jhope and saw him crying silently while holding his hand. He kissed Jungkook's cheek and signed him to heal Jhope. Jungkook slowly got down from Taehyung's hold and went towards Jhope. He scratched a little part of his finger with his fangs and made Jhope drink his blood, making Jhope's hand heal immediately.

When he was going to go to Jin to heal him, he was stopped by Taehyung and picked up by him. He adjusted Jungkook in his arms, so now Jungkook's back was facing them. He stared at everyone deeply and said with his devil voice, "If after now on, anyone even thinks about talking badly about Jungkook, they'll face death. Even if they're my parents, got it?"

Everyone nodded their heads, gulping fearfully. He smirked at them and started walking toward their room. When they were walking, Jungkook looked at all of them with teary eyes and then snuggled his face in Taehyung's neck. Everyone was too focused on them, which caused them to miss someone who was looking at the couple with hatred.

"I'll ruin you, Kim Taehyung; I'll kill you and then make Jungkook heal you to kill you again. I'll fuck Jungkook in front of you so you can die both mentally and physically".

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