Chapter Twenty one

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Author's POV:

"He's not your mate; I am". Everyone gasped when they heard what Namjoon said. Yoongi turned his head towards him with the speed of light.

Taekook looked at each other, shocked, then looked at Namjoon.

"W-w-what do you m-mean?", Yoongi stuttered.

Namjoon sighed and looked down, "I'll explain everything at home. Let's get out of here first".

Taehyung nodded and signaled the guards to clean up the mess. Hobi went to Yoongi and tried to pull him up, but Yoongi was in a daze. He wasn't moving at all. He was just sitting there and staring at Jimin.

"So everything was fake? His love, concern, affection, jealousy, and possessiveness. Was it all fake? Was my first time making love also fake? I loved him. YOU!!! WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME BEFORE THAT YOU WERE MY MATE? WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME NOW HUH?", Yoongi shouted and held Namjoon's collar.

"BECAUSE I WASN'T ALLOWED TO, GOD DAMN IT", Namjoon burst into tears.

"What do you mean?", Yoongi asked, confused.

"I can see the future, and I'm not allowed to have a mate because once a fucking idiot changed the future for saving his mate, so that's why I'm not allowed to tell my mate that I'm his mate", Namjoon sobbed.

"WHAT?", Yoongi asked, disappointed and heartbroken.

"Yeah, 10,000 years ago, there was a species that had the power to see the future. We are only allowed to see the future, but we can't change it. We'll be punished if we do so. That person changed the future to save his mate. So as a punishment, the person was executed together with his mate. And as a curse, the one who can see the future can never be with his mate. The reason we started hiding our powers was because no one cared about us. They would force us to tell the future, and because of that, we would always die, so after that, we never told anyone about us seeing the future, in fear of dying. We should've gone extinct years and years ago, but our people who could give birth were raped and forced to give birth. This nasty thing continued secretly. Most packs would try to win wars using us. Fortunately, I escaped one night from hell", Namjoon took a deep sigh when he finished telling his story and looked at everyone.

Everyone was looking at him with wide eyes.

"So you mean you'll be executed too?", Taehyung said after a few minutes of silence.

"What!!!" asked Yoongi, scared.

"Why would he be executed? He didn't tell us the future, right? So why should he be executed?", Yoongi said, panicking.

Yoongi looked with hopeful eyes towards Namjoon, who looked down sadly.

"W-w-what? No!! What did you say?", Yoongi asked, scared.

"I told Taehyung the future", Namjoon said, looking down.

"What did you do? You did this when you knew what would happen. WHY? WHEN WE COULD'VE FOUND SOME OTHER WAY", Yoongi shouted, crying out loud.

"WHAT OTHER WAY? IF WE WERE A LITTLE BIT LATE, WE WOULD'VE LOST JUNGKOOK BECAUSE THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I SAW. I SAW TAEHYUNG CRYING WHILE HOLDING JUNGKOOK'S NAKED AND LIFELESS BODY. I SAW TAEHYUNG'S LIFE LEAVING HIS BODY SLOWLY. I HEARD AND SAW HIS SORROWFUL CRIES. I SHOULD'VE DONE ALL THIS BEFORE JUNGKOOK WOULD'VE GONE THROUGH THIS ALL. YOU KNOW WHY I NEVER CAME AGAIN AFTER JUNGKOOK GOT KIDNAPPED cause ...... c-cause I couldn't face anyone knowing I could've saved him. I couldn't just sit down, knowing I knew everything, and let it happen. I did that because I didn't want to lose you. That's why I didn't want to repeat what I did in the past", Namjoon broke down.

"What happened exactly?" asked Taejinyoung sadly, looking at Namjoon and Yoongi sobbing. Taehyung sighed and looked at everyone. And told everyone what happened earlier.



When Taehyung got out of the house, Namjoon looked at him in deep thought. Namjoon looked at Yoongi and then smiled sadly. I can't have you anyway, he thought sadly before leaving after Taehyung.

He yelled Taehyung's name when he saw him about to teleport, "Taehyungah, stop. I have something to say".

Taehyung turned towards him angrily while shouting, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?".

Namjoon looked at him directly while calmly saying, "I know the traitor and where Jungkook is".

Taehyung scoffed and was about to attack Namjoon, but stopped when he heard.

"Go and look if you can find Jimin", Namjoon said calmly.

"What?", Taehyung asked, confused.

"Go and search if you can find Jimin anywhere in the mansion", Namjoon repeated himself.

"How can I trust you", Taehyung said, being suspicious.

"I can see the future, and if you want to confirm it and see what the future is holding for you, hold my hands", Namjoon said, forwarding his hands.

Taehyung held his hand, not trusting him fully, but froze after he saw the image of himself crying and shouting while holding a lifeless Jungkook in his hand. He saw that Jungkook was naked, and his face was destroyed to the point where you couldn't even recognize it at all. His naked body was full of bruises and hickies. His skull was completely smashed. His bunny-like eyes were open, and his eyeballs were out, with blood coming out of them. His mouth was cut into a straight line, which went from one ear to another, and the insides of his mouth could be seen. All of his teeth were pulled out. His nipples were torn out, and his few fingers were cut. A knife was pushed inside his hole, and both his legs were burned. Taehyung quickly opened his eyes while panting heavily.

"Where is he?", he asked, completely pale.

"Let's go", Namjoon said.




Taehyung explained everything but left out the part of what he saw. That horrific sight can remain between him and Namjoon.


"Because I was scared. Scared of losing Yoongi. But this time it was horrifying than before, and I didn't want Jungkook to go through that", he mumbled while looking down.

Before Minji could say further, Yeunji held her while signing her not to talk and hugged her. Namjoon then looked at Yoongi sadly, knowing it's the last time he'll see him. Yoongi was a sobbing mess and started hitting him while shouting why he did this.

Namjoon held his hand and hugged him tightly, "Us being together was impossible; it would've killed both of us. I was cursed, and at least I did something useful with this curse before leaving the world. We'll meet in another life, ok, darling".

Yoongi smiled and smashed his lips with Namjoon for the last time.

"I've always wanted to do this", joked Namjoon while laughing, trying to lessen the sadness but he guessed it didn't work.

Everyone ran toward him when they saw Namjoon slowly starting to fade away. He smiled at everyone and closed his eyes, ready to leave, but opened them when he felt someone hugging him and mumbling a small thank you and a sorry. Namjoon smiled towards Taehyung, mouthing that it's ok weakly before fading away forever.

Everyone burst into tears when they saw Namjoon fade away.

Jungkook started screaming that it's his fault. Taehyung hugged him tightly while shaking his head and peppering his face with kisses.

"You know, Bun, Namjoon did this because he wanted you to live. He did this because he always thought of you as his little brother, and wouldn't you do the same for him if the tables were switched?", Taehyung tried to make him understand.

Jungkook hiccuped while mumbling a small I would.

"So he also did this so you could live. Now, would you thank him by crying and blaming yourself, huh? He told me that if you ever cry, he'll be really mad and never forgive you".

Jungkook smiled while whipping his tears, "I won't cry".

Everyone burst into tears when they thought that they had lost a pure gem. Their focus went to Yoongi when he suddenly stood up with the knife in his hand.

"I don't have any reason to live anymore, I'm too broken to continue living in this unfair world", he said while stabbing his heart with the knife.

Everyone shouted and was about to run towards him, was too late, and they saw the horrifying sight of their third loved one dying in front of them.

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