Chapter Six

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Author's POV:

A month passed since Taehyung visited Jungkook. Jungkook slowly started getting better. He's now more comfortable with Taehyung, even though he hasn't talked yet. They got close, but it seems like Jungkook is still hesitating, and Taehyung will wait patiently for Jungkook to start trusting him. Taehyung is still glad that Jungkook at least interacts with him. In this one month, Taehyung and Jungkook did a lot of fun things, even though all of them were inside this small room.

One day, Taehyung would come in a clown costume and start performing.

One day, they played football, which was the death of a lot of things.

One day, he brought a whole ass plastic swimming pool, which caused the room to get wet and Jungkook to get a cold.

One day he brought a puppy, which made Jungkook giggle a lot, and then Taehyung gifted him the puppy even though the puppy wasn't his, but he stole the puppy from his neighbor's home just because he thought Jungkook would get happy, and honestly, he regretted it the next day because Jungkook was paying the puppy more attention than to him. They didn't do anything that day because he sulked that whole day, which caused Jungkook to think of a way to make him agree. Jungkook laughed that whole day, only because Taehyung wanted him to do that or else he wouldn't talk. It wasn't forceful because he laughed a lot when the puppy, whom they named Yeontan and Tae, started a real fight, which was a war for who got the attention of Jungkook. Taehyung won because he put the poor puppy in his bag, and after a long period of Jungkook giving him puppy eyes, he accepted.

One day, Jungkook was sleeping peacefully but was woken up by a strong wind that felt wet. When he opened his eyes, he saw Taehyung holding a vacuum machine that was blowing snow. After seeing snow, Jungkook got excited and started jumping in the snow. By the end of the day, all of the room was ruined, which caused them to move to a new room.

One day, they watched movies all day as Taehyung had put a TV in Jungkook's room.

They spent one month doing different things, which, as a result, made them change four rooms. That's the cause that made Jungkook slowly come out of his walls.

Today wasn't any different. The door to Jungkook's room was opened by a panting Taehyung. He started dragging a tennis table inside the room with a lot of difficulty. When he went inside, he smiled, seeing the bright room. He remembered the day that, with how much difficulty he made Jungkook accept to move out.



After they ruined the first room, they decided it couldn't be repaired because it got all wet with the snow. Taehyung looked at Jungkook, knowing beforehand what he was thinking. He slowly took the little bunny's hand, which caused him to flinch. He looked at him with his doe teary eyes.

Taehyung knew it's going to be a long way. He intentionally brought a snow blower because he wanted to ruin the room so Jungkook could get out of the dark.

"Hey, look, I know it's hard, but you need to slowly start trusting me. You don't need to always be in the dark. You have a long life ahead of you. If they had wanted to come back, then why would they leave you in the first place, huh? Or if you ran away, it's different. Now tell me which one it was. Did you run away, or did they leave you?", Taehyung asked.

Jungkook slowly raised two fingers, indicating the second option.

Taehyung smiled, continuing, "So why would they come back? Jungkookie, I know it's not easy to trust anyone because of the things that happened in your past, but you need to move on. I know you are more clever than this. I know somewhere deep down, you badly want to have someone to believe in. I swear for my life that I'm trying to be that person for you. So just believe me for this once, can you? Please, kook. Please, my bun".

Taehyung POV:

Jungkook looked hesitant, but after a few minutes of thought, he agreed. I smiled widely, took his hands, and opened the door. He started shivering slowly when he saw the light that entered the room. I squeezed his hand, indicating to him that I'm there. We slowly got out of the room. When we got out, we saw people looking at us shockingly. Jungkook closed his eyes when the sudden, strong lights shone upon them.

He slowly opened them and started looking frantically around the hall. He burst into tears when he noticed that he was the center of attention.

When I saw this, I shouted at all of them to get lost. In a few seconds, the hallway was empty. I saw that Jungkook has already started having a panic attack. He was crying badly and hiccuping cutely. What the hell, Tae? Why would you coo at your mate crying rather than comforting him?

I got out of my thoughts when he started crying more loudly. He started breathing heavily, and his face got all red. He was shivering like a leaf. If a stranger saw us, they would think that he was having a seizure with his shivering.

I panicked and quickly pulled him in for a hug. Jungkook unconsciously hugged me tightly and fisted my shirt tightly. I slowly started patting his back and humming his favorite song. He slowly started calming down and looked around the room as if searching for someone. I got what he was doing. I hugged him more tightly, if possible, and softly whispered in his ears, "Look, bun, there's no one. I'm here with you, right? So even if someone came, I would rip them apart so you could feel safe".

After looking around for a few more seconds, he nodded. I was about to break the hug, but he clutched on to me more tightly. After seeing this, a tear slowly went out of my eye. It was a happy cry because Jungkook finally started to feel safe with me.

I happily picked him up and started walking toward the room that I had already decorated for my bun. It was better than the previous one. It was bigger and more beautiful than the last one. It had a TV with all kinds of movies on it. A castle of plushies is in a corner. A king-sized water bed, a few big slides, and a swing in the corner.

As we entered, his mouth was wide open while looking at the room. I chuckled at his cuteness.

We slowly got inside, and I put him down.

We then heard a bark. When I looked at the corner, I saw that little son of the devil and my worst enemy, and that creature even dared to glare at me.

When I told Jungkook to look at that thing because he was glaring at me, he suddenly started acting cute when he noticed Jungkook looking at him.

How dare he? If it wasn't for Jungkook, I would've taken that thing back, butttttt anything for my Jungkook.

I started sulking when I saw Jungkook kissing YEONTAN. What the fuck? I swear I saw Yeontan smirking at me when he saw that I noticed.

He started licking Jungkook's lips, and JUNGKOOK GIGGLED. What the fuck? He wants to play. Two can play.

I suddenly threw myself on the floor and started crying loudly, which got the attention of both of them. Jungkook quickly put Yeontan down and ran toward me. He looked at me worriedly, and I pointed towards my foot, still crying loudly. He slowly started massaging it with his soft hands. I sighed happily, and when he heard my satisfied sigh, he continued doing so. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Yeontan going to his dog's house. Serves you, bitch.



Taehyung's POV:

When I remembered that memory, I smiled stupidly and looked at Jungkook's bed and saw him sleeping like a beauty that you couldn't find in the whole universe. I saw how much cuter he had become. He became chubbier than before. The song that I recorded for him is still playing.

I have been playing this song for him all night for 3 weeks because he would have nightmares at night before, but it calms him down now. So now it has become a habit. I got out of my thoughts when I heard a bark. I rolled my eyes and looked at the creature in front of me.

I whispered and yelled at him, "What? I'm looking at my mate. What can you do? Bite me? Go on, and I'll make sure Jungkook scolds you".

When I said that, he was quiet for a few seconds, and then he showed me his tongue. Did he just mock the king? Before I could yell at him, we heard a small yawn, and both of us looked at the snowball. He slowly started rubbing his eyes while pouting cutely.

When he was finished killing us with his cuteness, he looked at me and smiled cutely. I smirked at Yeontan before dramatically going towards Jungkook.

"Jungkookie, I missed you. Do you even know how hard it is to sleep at night when you aren't there?", I cried dramatically.

Jungkook giggled softly while seeing my aegyo, but I heard Yeontan huff at me. That bitch. Anyway, I took Jungkook's hand and took him towards the tennis table.

He looked confusedly at me, and I asked, "Do you know how to play bun?".

He shook his head. I smiled at him and started instructing him on how to play it.

In a short span of time, he was like a professional, which honestly I didn't like because I wanted to show off, but once I heard him giggling, I didn't mind it.

Suddenly, we got out of our little world when a ringtone was heard around the room. I took out my phone and told Jungkook that he could play with Yeontan. He happily nodded and went to Yeontan's dog house. That creature was sulking and not talking with Jungkook, which caused Jungkook to give him kisses. Huh, he's using my techniques, and he thinks he's succeeding. It needs cuteness, which he doesn't have. I ignored it for now and accepted the call.

?: Hey Taetae. How're you doing?

Taehyung: Fine, Hyung. Did you get any trance about the asshole?

?: Well yeah, that's why I called you alien.

Taehyung: "Sigh" Why do you always call me that, which I'm not?

?: Well, you didn't have a problem when your bunny would call you that, but you have a problem if your soulmate calls you that.

Taehyung: Well, I'll make love to my bunny too, so you would also want it, Jiminshiii? Leave it; come to the point.

Jimin: "clearing throat" Mhm, you pervert. Anyway, I found a call that Jeon Hyun-jin made two hours ago. I guess he was talking to someone important because they were kind of making a dirty deal. The asshole is giving Kook to whatever loser he is. They are going to send men this night when everyone is sleeping, so you better take Kook from there as soon as possible. Even if physically needed.

Tae: And why are you telling this to me now? Huh, and why is that asshole giving Kook?

Jimin: For your first question, Yoongi was thrusting deeply into my hole when they were talking. For your second question, the other person was saying that if he marries Kook, then the hier that Kook will give him, he will use for his powers and ruling over every place. So I guess he's using Kook for power and pleasure.

I got mad when I heard that. That fucking asshole. I immediately cut the call and turned towards Kook, where I saw him playing with Yeontan. I walked towards him, and when he saw me tense, he slowly held my hand.

I sighed softly and started knowing maybe a tantrum was coming next, "Kook, I got a call and got to know you are in danger. I know you don't trust me fully, but I just need you to trust me with your heart this time. We need to get out now, and before panicking, if you want, I will have an elderly woman with me so you feel safe. I won't even be with you in the secret house if you aren't comfortable. I'll tell you all of my secrets once we get there, ok? And if you still don't feel safe, I'll even give you a gun. Please bun".

He looked at me for a few seconds, then sighed softly, and the next thing he did, shocked me to death.

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