Chapter Fourteen

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Taehyung's POV:

When I heard my little bun's voice, I froze in my spot. No, he wasn't meant to see this stuff. He shouldn't have seen the monster side of me.

I turned around, and when I looked into his eyes, I saw the thing that I never wanted to see in his eyes for me: fear. His tears were falling down, and he was shaking badly. He just looked like he was in the hospital. His eyes went from me to the woman and back to me. He started taking steps backward and ran away from the basement. I ran behind him because he misunderstood everything.

I used my powers, stood in front of him, and hugged him tightly. He started thrashing around in my arms, but I held him tighter.

After a minute, he stopped moving and looked at me with teary eyes.

"W-why?", he asked with a broken voice.

"Bun, please let me explain, I..." , I stuttered.

"No, shut up. You did the same thing they did to me. You're no different from them. I hate you. I hate you now. You're just like them. I shouldn't have believed you. YOU ARE A MONSTER", Jungkook yelled.

A loud slap echoed throughout the room, which made the whole hall room quiet.

Author's POV:

Taehyung looked shocked by what happened, and Jungkook was holding a hand to his cheeks where he had been slapped. Taehyung looked at his Appa, who was standing there with no emotion.

Everyone in the room was shocked because whatever Jungkook would do, and whenever Jungkook would act like a brat, no one could raise their voice at him, leave alone a slap.

Jungkook looked at his uncle while sobbing.

"You really need to take control of your emotions. Just because you are the gem of the palace doesn't give you the right to call my son a monster. What he did wasn't his fault, I told him to do so. I told him to burn her completely, but HE DID NOT BURN THEIR REAL MOTHER, EVEN THOUGH HIS HEART WAS BURNING. EVEN THOUGH HIS HEART WANTED NOTHING BUT REVENGE. EVEN THOUGH HIS HEART WANTED TO TURN THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN. HE DIDN'T. WHY? BECAUSE HE DID NOT WANT TO LOOK BAD IN YOUR EYES. And you, look at you, being mad at him and yelling at him for what he did, when nothing is wrong with what he did", Taejinyung said without any emotion.

"W-what do y-you mean n-n-not r-real?", Jungkook asked while hiccuping.

"She was just a fake thing made by Jimin to make the rapists suffer. Taehyung didn't want their real mother to suffer because he said he would be no different than them. But seeing you act this way toward their suffering might mean one thing. Everything, suffering, crying, and victimhood might be fake. Maybe you enjoyed your time there, and when you were thrown away, you wanted empathy. I can't even believe that you're our innocent and our past-naive Jungkook anymore. Maybe you're just a whore like that...", but he was suddenly cut off.


"DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME", Appa yelled back.

"WHEN YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT MY MATE LIKE THAT, I WILL", Taehyung said, raising his fist.

"Uncle", everyone turned their attention towards Namjoon, who was standing there while smiling.

"I know you're angry. But don't you know that he's still our little Jungkookie, who we always loved", with that, he just went away without saying anything else.

When everyone looked at the king, he was just standing there, his face looking emotionless. The hallway was silent, and only the sobbing and hiccups of Jungkook could be heard.

Taehyung kneeled down in front of his mate and took his little hands in his.

"Bun, look at Taetae. Taetae doesn't blame you. I know that you weren't in your right mind and didn't mean any of it. I understand you, okay? Whatever the hell Father said is bullshit, ok? He doesn't believe you because he doesn't know what you've been through. Ok", I explained to him softly.

Jungkook nodded his head while hiccuping and snuggled in Taehyung's chest while sighing softly at the warmth.

"Sorry, Taetae", he apologized.

Taehyung smiled softly and wrapped his arms around Jungkook, "No problem, Bub".

Taehyung took Jungkook with himself to his room after looking at Jimin once.

When both of them reached their room, Taehyung lay beside Jungkook in bed.

"Bun, I know you believed Appa's words, but believe me and don't listen to whatever he said. I don't know what happened to Appa suddenly, but the thing I know is that Appa didn't mean what he said. There is something way more than this", I tried to make him understand.

"You believe me, right, Taetae?", Jungkook asked with a vulnerable voice.

"I believe you with all of my heart", Taehyung said, kissing his forehead softly.

Jungkook smiled, snuggled closer to Taehyung's chest, and slept after a while.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in", Taehyung ordered.

The door opened, and Jimin came inside, "I got information about the person who wants Kook, and he isn't any ordinary one; he's way dangerous; we need to talk".

Taehyung looked at Jimin and nodded, "Let's go to our secret place".

Taehyung POV:

We reached our secret place, which is only known to me and Jimin.

Jimin started, "So I got information from one of my spies; he said that he had seen that asshole in the forest near our mansion" .

"Near our mansion? What the hell was he doing there?", I asked.

"He said that one of the royals went to meet them", Jimin said.

"One of the royals? How does he know?", I asked, confused.

"Because he saw them talking, and it looked serious. The boss suddenly took out his knife while threatening the asshole; that's when my spy saw that the boss had the knife, which are those special knives that only the royals have", Jimin explained everything in detail.

"Did he get anything else?", I asked in hope.

"No, he hasn't. We can just catch that asshole, and we can investigate him", Jimin suggested.

"No, that asshole won't say sh*t. We need to find the betrayal because he is smart", I said, knowing damn well that if the boss is from our own, then he'll not leave the asshole.

"Who do you think it would be", I got out of my thoughts when Jimin asked me a question.

"It's between one of our family members, so that's why we need to be careful. You shouldn't tell this to anyone, even Yoongi hyung, got it?", I ordered him.

"Ok, but is there anyone you're suspicious of", Jimin asked.

"I am. I am suspicious of Namjoon, but the thing is, he doesn't have a royal knife, so we can't say anything. That's why we need to be careful, because that person knows how to control minds", I said.

"What do you mean?", Jimin asked.

I looked at him.

"Do you believe appa will do something like that? Even if Jungkook killed someone in front of him, even if he was in the wrong, appa would always be by his side. So the betrayal is someone close to us, maybe someone in our family".

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