Chapter Twenty

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Author's POV:

When Jimin heard the voice that could send shivers through your spine, he turned around.

He screamed loudly when he was thrown across the room, as soon as he made eye contact with the terrifying devil. He for a second froze, looking at the devil in front of him because this one is totally different.

This isn't the one that his mother lost her life to. This is way scarier and more dangerous than that.

He started sweating when he looked at him for a little while because, from the witch studies that he had done, these types of demons were born once in centuries. These types of demons are very rare and very powerful. For them, their mate is everything. Their soul literally depends on their mate. If they lose their mate, they will die right after them.

Jimin was shocked for a second but got up with a smirk while looking at Taehyung, who was standing protectively in front of Jungkook.

"You know, I always thought why so protective over mates? It doesn't make any sense at all. For me, mates are the weakest point. The only reason I accepted Yoongi was to fulfill my desires. You know the first rule of winning in a battle is to not have a weakness, and when you have a mate, how can you win, and on top of that, a weak mate like Jungkook", he looked at Jungkook while saying the last part. Jimin smiled widely, looking at Jungkook, who had completely become pale. His lips had turned blue, and he slowly started shivering.

Taehyung also looked at Jungkook, and he completely lost it when he saw Jungkook's state. He ran towards Jimin and pushed him against the wall while choking him.

"What the hell have you done? I'll kill you, and you do know he can be healed with his own blood", Taehyung shouted.

But Jimin laughed while looking Taehyung straight in the eyes.

Taehyung stared back at him with his completely dark eyes.

Jimin pointed a finger at him and said, "Do you know who defeated a true blood devil centuries ago? A witch did. And do you know what power the devil's mate had? Healing with their blood. Do you know how? She killed that devil by first killing his mate. She did experiments and made a medicine that the devil's stupid mate couldn't heal with his or her blood. That's how both of them died. Fortunately, my wicked witch aunt had the medicine recipe, more like poison. So, I wanted to repeat history. You'll soon know why mates are your weakness, mostly for types like you. The easy way is to kill your mate. You will die easily after him, and I've done a lot of work to make this medicine. Do you know his father was with me in everything? He would give me blood, and I would give him money. I told his father to send him to get raped so you could find him later on with my help. You know why, because I needed your trust and I wanted to see you in pain. I could've just killed Jungkook, and you would've died straight after him, but I wanted you to suffer. I wanted you to go through pain. The same pain and suffering I went through when you killed my eomma. That's why I did all of this. I wanted to taste him too, but too bad that you came. But anyway, you can enjoy your both deaths".

He smiled evilly and looked at Taehyung, who was glaring at him.

Taehyung was about to kill him but stopped when Jimin took a bottle that contained black liquid out of his pocket.

"You see this. If I break this, your little Jungkookie will slowly die, and this is the last solution for the poison, but too bad I'll break this in front of you. I don't even care if I'll die afterward. I got my revenge for my mother", Jimin said with teary eyes.

As Taehyung was about to take the bottle from him, Jimin used his magic and flew the bottle across the room. He was about to smash it against the wall but stopped when a sword went directly through his chest, causing everyone to freeze in the room.

Taehyung quickly stood up after he got pushed by someone and rushed to the bottle.

Thanks to his speed, he caught the bottle and changed into his normal form. He quickly went to Jungkook and gave him the liquid, while Jungkook was just staring at him with his doe-teary eyes.

He burst into tears when he got to know that he wasn't going to die and that he'd be with his Taetae. He was so disappointed in himself to even think that his hyungie would leave him. He was disappointed to think that his hyungie wouldn't come to save him. He was disappointed not to believe in his hyungie.

When Taehyung freed his baby, he quickly took Jungkook in his arms and started showering him with kisses. They both came out of their world when they heard a silent sob.

Both of them looked at Jimin, who was laying lifeless in his own pool of blood, while Yoongi was standing there crying, looking at his mate's bloody body, which was caused by him.

Everyone who was present in the room looked at him in pity, even though they knew Jimin deserved it.

"No need to cry", said a cold voice in the room.

Everyone in the room looked at the owner of the voice.

"He isn't your real mate, so there is no need to cry. You shouldn't waste your precious tears on someone who has manipulated you your whole life. Not only you, but he manipulated everyone", Namjoon said softly.

Everyone looked at Namjoon like he had lost his mind. Namjoon smiled at Yoongi, who was crying while kneeling in front of Jimin. He went to him, kneeled in front of him, took his hands in his, and softly looked at him, reassuring him that everything was alright.

"He's not your mate; I am".

Everyone gasped when they heard what Namjoon said.

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