Chapter Nine

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⚠️⚠️⚠️This chapter contains mention of sexual assault. So if you're uncomfortable you can skip it, but this chapter is important for understanding more. But still, if you don't like these things then skip it, please


Author's POV:

Taehyung and Minji looked at him with wide eyes.

"Are you sure, bun?" Taehyung asked worriedly.

"Yes, hyungie. I wouldn't have told you if I didn't believe you. I now remember you both. You're my mate too, so we need to share everything. You were right. We need to move from our past, so I also want to move on from my past", Jungkook said bravely.

Minji and Taehyung smiled proudly at him and nodded their heads. Jungkook sighed softly and began.


[Jungkook's past]

Jungkook's POV:

It's a normal day with me being my joyful and friendly self. I was sitting in the dining room, and Dada was giving me my breakfast. When I finished, I kissed his cheeks and left for school.

I was sitting in my first period when three handsome boys came into the class. It didn't bother me, but I giggled silently when I saw my classmates open their mouths, like when you get a fish out of the water. That's when all of the class's attention went toward me. I smiled sheepishly at them, but they didn't say anything because I'm the little gem of the class.

The teacher told them to come inside and sit beside me. I happily raised my hand. One of them sat down beside me, and the two others sat down behind me. I smiled softly at them, and the class continued with no time for us to introduce ourselves.

After the fourth period, lunch started. I was walking beside my best friend when the three came towards me.

One of them forwarded his hand and said, "Uhm, hey, Jungkook. Can we be friends? I'm Jack, the pink-haired one is Michael, and the blue-haired one is Alex".

I smiled widely and shook his hand, "Sure, as you know, I'm Jungkook, and this is my friend Bambam. He won't mind adding a few friends to our friendship".

They smiled and walked together with me and Bambam.

Three months went by, and we became best friends, but I don't know why Bambam doesn't like them. He doesn't even talk with them. Anyway, I'm so happy. Today, the three of them invited me for a sleepover. When I told my dada, he accepted with a wide smile. Weird, because he never allows me to go outside in the morning and leave alone stay at night. But maybe he thinks I'm a teenager and need to have a little fun. So I shrugged it off, but I didn't tell Bambam because he'll start his mama scolding telling me that I shouldn't go. So he doesn't need to know for now.

I was standing outside my house, and that's when a car stopped in front of me. The window rolled down. I looked inside and saw three of them sitting inside, wearing cool stuff, and looking handsome as hell.

I didn't feel anything special anyway. I don't know why, but I don't feel anything for anyone. It's like my body wants something that I don't know.

I smiled at them,"Didn't know you guys were rich?".

Jack smirked and said, "You don't know a lot of things".

I felt something off for a second. I thought for a moment to listen to Eomma Bambam's scolding, but I also want to enjoy my teenage hood.

I sighed and nodded anyway before sitting in the car.

Soon the car started, and after half an hour, I noticed we were going inside the forest, "Hey guys, do you think this is the right way?".

But they didn't answer me.

"Hey, I'm asking you guys".

This time, I shouted a little bit, but they still ignored me.

"Hey, I don't want to go for a sleepover anymore; I don't feel well", I yelled.

I was starting to get a little bit scared now because none of them were answering, and the car just sped up more. I started shouting, but it was like I didn't even exist.

I regret it now. I shouldn't have come here. I should've told Bambam about this because he wouldn't have let me go. I shouldn't have gone to someone's house I barely know. But it's too late. I need to do something. I tried to reach the door, but I was sandwiched between them. My breathing started picking up, and I started sweating.

"No, please. Let me out, I beg you. Let me go", I continued begging for one more hour before we stopped in front of an abandoned house.

Suddenly, Michael pulled me out of the car.

I started thrashing around, but he only tightened his hold.

"No, I don't want this. Let me the fuck go. Bambam's father is a police officer. He'll find me. But if you let me go, I won't tell anyone", I begged.

They just looked at me for a second before starting to drag me again. Before I knew it, the thing I treasured for the unknown person in my heart was taken. My trust, my purity, my innocence, my body, everything was taken. I became like a body without a soul. I lost my voice over time. I lost my tears over time. I lost my smile over time. I lost my emotions over time. I wish I would've listened to Bambam.

A year passed, and one day they came and started opening my chains.

I was too weak to ask anything and felt like I didn't have a voice anymore, so I just let them do what they were doing. It's not like I have a choice or say in it.

Then I was taken to the middle of the woods and thrown to the ground. Because of my weakness, I was slowly losing my consciousness and slipping out of the dangerous and scary world.

Before I fainted, I heard a small voice forgive us. And the next time I opened my eyes, I was in a hospital room.

[End of past]


Author's POV:

Minji and Taehyung started crying when they heard what happened to their little bun and their precious petal. They'll kill the one who did this to their baby. Taehyung knows who he's going to give the most painful but slow death. Taehyung put Jungkook in his lap and started rocking him.

Jungkook clutched his shirt and cried loudly, "You hate me now, right? You think I'm dirty. You'll leave me. Please, don't. I'll do anything".

He flinched at a loud shout.

"Do you think so low of me? Wow, Jungkook. I didn't expect this from you at all", Taehyung said angrily.

"No, Taetae, I promise I won't say something like that again. Forgive, kookie", Jungkook pouted with his teary eyes.

Taehyung huffed and pouted but nodded anyway, "Okay, fine, but don't do it again, ok".

Jungkook kissed his pout away and nodded shyly. His mom and mate started laughing at him.

To change the topic, he started telling more about his past, "The reason why I hated light was because they would be gone when it was night and come in the morning. It hurt a lot. My heart was hurting, even though I didn't remember you, but I still felt the bond I had with you. And when I went to the hospital, it didn't help me. It was like they cared only for a time and then forgot me. The food, the room, everything reminded me of that place. That's why I couldn't move on. But Taetae changed everything without me telling him; that's why I love him".

Minji and Taehyung both looked at each other when Jungkook started crying again. Taehyung was getting furious, but Minji somehow calmed him down and told him he shouldn't scare Jungkook.

Taehyung got up and started rocking Jungkook slowly.

After half an hour, Jungkook fell asleep.

Taehyung carefully put him in bed and covered him. He turned towards his aunt and looked at her. They both stared at each other like they knew exactly who the villain behind Jungkook's story was.

Taehyung went towards her and hugged her, "I need to finish a business that is pending".

With that, he went away from the house. Minji sighed, and she looked fondly at her beautiful son and went to dreamland while cuddling him.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the truth is going to unfold.

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