Chapter Seven

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Author's POV:

"Ok Hyung", came a small whisper from Jungkook. When he looked at Taehyung, he was looking at him with a shocked face, and soon it turned into a big smile and then a proud face, like he had won a lottery ticket, which made him smile, and he found a little hope in the corner of his heart that maybe Taehyung's not the same as them. Maybe he is different. Jungkook doesn't know why, but he feels like he knows Taehyung and thinks that he'll protect him rather than hurt him, but still, he needs to be cautious.

"But I need you to give me a gun, and except for that, I don't need anything else. I want you to explain everything to me later. Please, I'm giving someone a chance after a long time. I don't care anymore because I don't have anything to lose".

Taehyung's POV:

When he said that, I was flying on cloud nine. I think I achieved the biggest thing in the world. I'm so happy that Kook finally opened up to me, and I'm not going to make him regret his choice. I looked at him and nodded. I got up and told him to wait for a minute, to which he nodded. I went into the corner and called Jimin Hyung.

[Phone call]

Jimin: What now? Ahhhhh, slow down. What..... mhm.... do you want.... aughh..... Tae?

Taehyung: "Clears throat" Uhm, hey Hyung, can you bring me my gun, please, or else Jungkook wouldn't be comfortable enough?

Jimin: WTF TAE?!?!?!?! Take your dick out or stop moving it. Anyway, Tae, what do you think? I'll come from my fucking session and bring you your gun.

Taehyung: Thanks, Hyung, and bye.

Jimin: Wait, Tae, I can......

I cut the call on him.

Oh, he'll kill me, but whatever, it's for Jungkook.

After half an hour, the door of the room opened, and I saw Jimin Hyung coming with a frustrated face and angry eyes. I gulped, but I shouldn't show it because I'm a king, and secondly, it is embarrassing in front of Jungkook.

So I cleared my throat and turned towards Jungkook, "Hey bun, this is Jimin hyung. He has brought the gun, ok? So, there is no need to be afraid anymore. It already has a pistol, so you can be sure that you're safe, even though I won't do anything".

He nodded at my words, and I gave him the gun, which he put inside the small bag that I had gotten him.

After a while of awkward silence, I broke it and turned towards Jimin Hyung and said, "Hey Hyung, you got some unfinished business; wanna finish it? And anyway, I and Jungkook will get going". I smirked at him.

He smiled at Jungkook, then glared at me and went out. I turned toward Jungkook and smiled at him. I slowly picked him up, which made him squeak.

"Sorry, bun, but I need to hide you, or else the bad people might see you", I said with a smile.

He nodded slowly, snuggled into my chest, and then giggled softly. I looked confused at him as to why he was giggling out of nowhere.

He smiled widely, "your heart is beating so fast. It's just cute".

He did not just call me cute.

"Hey, I'm not cute; I'm handsome; you're the cute creature here", I teased him.

This made him blush a little bit.

Feeling satisfied with my work, I dressed him up in my big hoodie, which was up to his knees, put the hood over his fluffy hair, and made him wear a mask.

I got out of the room and started walking toward the exit.

After successfully walking out, I straight away went home. When we got home, I took him into my aunt's room.

I know it is early, but I need him to know everything. I can't keep this secret anymore.

He looked at my aunt and gasped, then looked at me. I gave him a sad smile. He slowly left my arms and hugged me. I hugged him back. I needed this. These are the things I liked about him in childhood. He was always so kind and understanding, and now I slowly think that maybe I'll have the life I always dreamed of with him and our little kids.

He broke the hug and walked toward the bed.

I followed behind him and sat down beside him.

"Do you know, Kook, who is she?", I asked him.

He shook his head negatively.

I continued, "She is your mom, Bub".

He looked at me, shocked.

"Do you remember the bunny I told you about? The bunny was you. You were my cousin. Your mom was my aunt. We aren't human, kook", I explained everything to him.

He widened his eyes.

I sighed, "You are a vampire kook, and I am a half-devil and a half-vampire. My father was the king of the devil kingdom, and my mom and your mom were orphans. My dad and mom fell in love, but the problem was that my mom couldn't leave her young sister, so my dad took her too. After 3 years, they had me. After I was born, your mom and your dad fell in love. Human and vampire love was unusual, but my dad accepted him anyway because your mom loved him a lot. When they got married after 2 years, we learned that your mom couldn't have a child. But your mom never gave up; then, after 16 years, a beautiful baby came into this world".

He pointed toward himself.

I smiled and nodded, "After you were born, everything was fine and normal, but that was until when you turned 12 years old. I was attacked by a werewolf, and I was in bad condition. You being you, you thought you could wake up your loved ones with your kisses, just like sleeping beauty and Snow White, so you kissed me on the lips. That was the cause for which I woke up from the life-and-death situation, and unfortunately, that day your father was also in the room, and we got to know you have healing powers".

When I looked at him, he was blushing secretly.

I chuckled and continued, "After a week, you and your father suddenly went missing, and aunt was poisoned. We got to know later on that it was done by your dad. We looked after you, but we couldn't find you. But accidentally, Jimin hyung found you on the internet. That was the day I came to you, and not in my wildest dreams thought you would be like that, and I never thought that a father could be so heartless".

He looked shocked and looked like he kind of believed me but wasn't sure. I forwarded my hands to him and told him to hold them. He slowly held my hands, and I then told him to close his eyes.

I did this because I had the power to show memories by holding hands. I patiently waited for him to see everything.

Jungkook's POV:

When I heard everything, I couldn't believe it. When he said she was my mom, it looked like he wasn't lying because she did look like me. I can't believe my father did those things to me because he was one of the kindest people I know. But somewhere deep inside, I kind of believe him because there is something I'm suspicious about. I got out of my thoughts when he forwarded his hands towards me and told me to hold them and close my eyes. I did as I was told, and suddenly, I felt like I was dreaming of my past.


In Kook's mind:

I was standing in a childish room, and a little kid was lying on the bed, and a woman was beside him. She was singing a familiar song. It was the song that Taehyung sang to me?!?!?! That's why it was familiar. Suddenly, the door opened, and a young Taehyung came. He slowly lay beside the kid and started singing the lullaby, too. The little kid hugged him tightly, laid his head on Taehyung's chest, and slept with a pout, which is my habit.

Suddenly, the place changed to a dining room, with a family sitting there at the dining table. There was one other couple, Taehyung, a little boy, and the woman Taehyung called my mom and MY DAD. So is Taehyung telling the truth? I watched the woman who was feeding the kid his breakfast and how the kid was eating it cutely and messily, just like me. Then he suddenly puffed his cheeks. The woman said, "Hey little kook, come on, eat a little more. You won't get big like your Tae Tae; do you want that or not?" When the little kid looked at Taehyung, Taehyung started showing him his muscles. That was when the kid eagerly opened his mouth, and the women continued giving him his food lovingly while everyone laughed at his cuteness, even me, except dad, who was glaring at him. Why?

Suddenly, I was standing in a living room, and everyone was sitting in the living room except Taehyung. Little Me was playing with another kid. That's when I noticed Taehyung coming into the living room, but no one noticed him. He stared at little me playing with the other one and stared at him for a few seconds, and suddenly he threw himself on the floor. Why would he do that? He then started crying loudly. Everyone's attention went toward him, and suddenly little me ran towards him and hugged him tightly, "hyungie, what happens? Ay, yu huyt, Hyungie? was happens?" (What happened? Are you hurt, hyungie? what happened?). Taehyung nods his head. Why would he lie? Wait a minute, is he jealous? This is kind of familiar. That means he also faked that day. Aish. Everyone smiled at the cute sight except Dad. He was glaring, but why?


It went dark suddenly, and when I opened my eyes, I saw Tae smiling at me while crying himself. I quickly hugged him tightly. I remember everything. The things Taehyung did in the hospital were because he wanted to help me regain my memory.

"Hyung, I had my doubts, but I think you're right. Do you think that anyone can get healed with my blood?", I asked, to which Tae nodded.

"So that explains why dad would take my blood every month. I also remember him giving me a pill every day, and when I would ask him, he would say I have heart problems and would tell me that the blood was for the checkup, and stupid me believed him. The blood was for him getting money; that's why he was so rich without doing anything, and the pill is maybe for my memory. Oh, my god. Why would he?", I asked, shocked.

I saw Taehyung looking at me and then flicking my forehead. I pouted.

"Finally, you're finding some brains", he said teasingly.

"Hyungiee", I whined.

"It is all right, Kook. I would take you and aunt back to my palace, and I will take your revenge", Taehyung's aura suddenly changed.

I sighed, "Hyungie, it is not needed. Let's forget everything, ok?".

He shook his head.

"No, what he did was disgusting. First of all, if you don't want revenge, aunt does. Second of all, I think the incident that happened with you was his doing too, and today I got you here because Jimin hyung told me that he was selling you to a disgusting man. So I'll take your and aunt's revenge. I always listened to you, but not this time; please kook", he said angrily.

I sighed and nodded.

I guess now I can tell him about my past incidents because now I fully believe my mate.

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