Chapter Two

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Author's POV:

When Jungkook heard his name, he looked at the man again, who was in front of him, but this time, he made eye contact with him for longer. When the man got to know that his focus was on him, he smiled softly and said, "Hey, petal, my name is Kim Taehyung. For short, you can call me Tae. I'll not only be your doctor but also your friend, and I'll help you be yourself again".

Jungkook just stared blankly at him.

Taehyung sighed and tried again, "Look, Bun, I don't know what you've been through or what caused you to turn like this, but I'll always be there with you".

When he didn't get an answer again but just a blank stare, he closed his eyes and sighed, but he wouldn't give up no matter what. He'll do anything to save him.

Taehyung's POV:

I got up slowly, went to the table, and took the food tray kept on top of it. I saw that it had nothing but a small bowl of rice. I frowned. Do they always give this to him? I looked back at Jungkook and saw how thin and weak he looked. I got furious.

How can they be so cruel? They should be helping him and making him comfortable, but they had only abounded him. I looked at Jungkook again and saw him looking at me with his doe eyes, but when he saw me staring back at him, he looked away quickly. I smiled at his cuteness. He's the same but only needs a little push. As I kept staring at him, I noticed how his eyes were wandering around the room as if someone were attacking him. I felt so sad looking at him like that. Oh, how much he changed.

I kept the stupid food tray at the table angrily but regretted it badly when I saw in the corner of my eyes that Jungkook started to shake a little bit and his breath started to fasten with each second passing. I slowly went toward him and started singing softly. When I noticed he was becoming calm and not shaking anymore, I quickly went outside and bought lots of food.

After 15 minutes, when I came back, Jungkook was just sitting in his previous spot and staring blankly at the bed. I started singing softly to make sure he knew it was me and not to get scared. When I saw that he noticed that I was in the room again, I slowly went towards him and sat down in front of him. I smiled at him when I saw him staring at the food, from the corner of his eyes. He is just the same as before.

There was silence for half an hour, except for his soft chewing. When he finished, I saw how messily he ate. I chuckled at him and took out a napkin. As I was about to clean his face, he started shivering, and slowly, his breathing got fast. I panicked. Shit, fuck you, Taehyung. How can you forget that he's fragile and sensitive now? You should've been careful. I started singing again and stood far from him, so he was sure that I wouldn't hurt him, but it was of no use.

Slowly, he started wheezing and started turning blue. I panicked and quickly took an injection. When he saw me getting near him again, he started moving away and shaking his head, but I couldn't do anything. I have to give him the injection, as it'll make him calm down. I had no choice but to get near him, but he started shaking more. I nearly started crying myself; when I was going to give him the injection, he started thrashing around. That's when other doctors came, and what made me mad was how forcefully they gave him the injection. They'll get it from me.

I saw Jungkook slowly closing his eyes before he fainted. I slowly took him in bridal style and laid him on the bed. I then furiously turned towards the doctors and shouted, "HOW CAN YOU BE SO ROUGH WITH THE PATIENTS?".

But it seemed like they didn't care at all and said, We don't care, before going out. I started seeing red. You're going to care soon.

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