Chapter Fifteen

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Author's POV:

It was a silent morning in the Kim mansion. Only the sound of spoons and chewing could be heard. Jungkook was sitting on Taehyung's lap, hugging him so tightly that Taehyung was nearly turning red. Jungkook was eating the food silently that his Taetae was feeding him. He couldn't dare look at his uncle after yesterday's incident.

That's when Namjoon broke the silence, "Uhm, everyone, I have something to say".

Everyone's head went towards him.

"How about we go on vacation at the beach or something so we could, you know, get some fresh air", Namjoon said.

As Taehyung was going to reject, Jimin signaled him not to.

"Of course, Namjoon hyung, we can go on a vacation. Everyone can forget the incident", said Jimin.

"Which incident?", came a sound from behind.

"Babe", Hobi ran towards his mate.

"Hey, darling", came a chuckle from the tall man.

"Seokjinsii, sit down and have breakfast", said Taejinyoung.

"Thank you, your majesty", with that, Seokjin sat down with Hobi beside him.

"Your coming was unexpected. Why did you come?", Taehyung asked boredly.

"Taetae, bad manners; don't talk like that with elders", Jungkook scolded Taehyung cutely.

"And how do you know that he's older than me?", Taehyung raised his eyebrow.

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and laid his head on Taehyung's shoulder while mumbling, "He's so old. His whole hair is white".

Everyone stifled a laugh with that.

"Yaa, what do you mean by that? I'm only 150", Jin said, offended.

"And I'm only 19", Jungkook said while showing his tongue towards Jin playfully, which caused Taehyung to squeeze the shit out of him.

"Owiee", he whined.

"Now you're really my mate. You're right, he's old. He would need a cane very soon", Taehyung and Jungkook giggled between themselves.

"Is this the innocent little bean you guys were talking about?", Jin asked, but no one answered him as everyone was looking at the couple in awe.

"Aish. No respect to elderly", Jin said.

"Sorry, Ahjussi, forgive me and my mate", Jungkook said, and both he and Taehyung went into fits of giggles.

"Anyway, I've heard a lot about you. I'm Kim Seokjin, Hoseok's mate", Jin changed the topic.

"Hyungie got a mate? But he's still flirting with meow meow hyungie", Jungkook asked, confused.

"Who the hell is meow meow Jung Hoseok?", Jin said angrily, and Hobi gulped while mumbling a small yoongi.

"Oh, hahahaha", and Jin started his windshield laugh.

"Meow meow, how are you?", Jin teased Suga.

"Shut up. Only Kook can call me that", Yoongi said, annoyed.

"But after now, put two people on that list. The world-wide handsome Jin", with that, he took a mirror and started admiring himself.

"Bun, he's Yoongi hyung's cousin. Hobi hyung and Jin hyung met each other two years ago", Taehyung explained to Jungkook.

"oh", Jungkook smiled mischievously towards Seokjin.

"Is that counted as normal, or is he only looking at me like that?", Jin gulped.

"Yes, that is his childhood habit. Whenever he would find his victim, he would smile at them like that", said Minji with a shrug.

"And is that something to be worried about?", said Jin, scared.

"No, you're only going to go through that for one month, then he'll find another victim to hunt. The most he'll do is shave your hair. He's not too dangerous. Maybe you would have two or three bunny bites in your skin, which would probably leave a tiny scar. Maybe you'll get woken up every day to rain, except if you're lucky enough to get up before him. Little pranks here and there", explained Taehyung while looking fondly at Kook, who snuggled in his chest like a small bunny.

Jin swallowed his food nervously while looking at Jungkook.

"Don't worry, his bite only hurts for a week", Hobi said while giving him a peck.

"You've gone through it?", Jin asked.

"Yeah, everyone has gone through it except Taehyung. He's an exception, I guess. Jungkook becomes the most obedient and well-mannered kid when he's with Taehyung. And in the eyes of Taehyung and literally everyone, he's a little bean. Even if he kills someone with a gun, they'll say how cute he was looking while holding the gun", Hobi shrugged his shoulders.

"I can see that", said Jin while looking at Jungkook and Tae, giving each other heart eyes, and then Jungkook blushed furiously.

"So I guess I'll also go on vacation with you guys", Jin announced.

"Sure, Seokjinssi, you're going to enjoy it very much. We'll have fun", said Taehyung's dad while smiling at Jin.

"And Jungkook, I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday; I don't know why I did that. Will you forgive, uncle?", he apologized.

Jungkook smiled at him while nodding.

"But don't do it again", he said while pouting.

Everyone cooed at him while he shyly nuzzled his head into Taehyung's chest.

"We'll see if you guys will be this happy when we go on vacation. I can't wait to get the throne, thought the person while smiling dangerously".

Kim seokjin:
Old: 150
Power: God of wind.
Mate: Jung hoseok
Is Yoongi's cousin, was in foreign country studying, and when he came to meet Yoongi, he met his mate. Obsessed with himself. Find every chance to roast Taehyung, but it is going to be hard after Jungkook came.

* After this, the story really begins. In this vacation, you guys are going to know who the villain is. It can be anyone, so it's better not to judge too quickly.

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