Chapter Four

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Jungkook's POV:

When I realized what I was doing, I quickly pushed Taehyung away from me.

When I looked at him, he was looking at me with a hurt expression, but I had to do this. I don't want to be broken again. I don't want to believe anyone again. I looked away from him and stared blankly at the bed. I heard him sigh and get up before leaving the room. I don't know why, but I suddenly started feeling lonely. But it is for the good, and it's not as if it is something new. All of them come and go after a few days.

I slowly rested my head on the wall, and then a single tear fell from my eye, and this time I left it. After the first tear came the second one, and after a few minutes, I was a full-sobbing mess.

When I heard the door opening, I quickly wiped my tears away and saw that it was Taehyung with the food. I'll never admit it, but somewhere deep inside my heart, I felt a little bit safe and happy, but I know this is the part that is left from the past.

It's the first time that I'm eating food properly after a long time. The hospital's food is disgusting. I once found a cockroach inside it, and after that, I never ate hospital food again. When the staff saw that I didn't eat the food, they would give me a meal once a week every time. That's also the reason why I never moved on from my past, because the room and the food always remind me of that place. I'm glad somewhere that Taehyung is doing these things.

I got out of my thoughts when I heard someone singing. I turned my head toward the voice, and I saw Taehyung singing a song. I don't know why, but I think I've heard this song somewhere. I can't remember clearly where I heard it, but this song calms me a lot.

He slowly and carefully sat down in front of me, and he started feeding me while still singing the song. When I got full, I unconsciously puffed out my cheeks. I would always do this when dad would give me food, and I would get full. Surprisingly, he understood what I meant because he smiled softly and put the food away.

He took his bag and turned towards me, "Kook, for now I need to go. I'll come again tomorrow. Sleep in your bed, kook, ok. Or else you'll get body aches, hmm. Bye bun".

After that, he went away. I don't know why, but I slowly got up and lay down on the bed. I hummed in satisfaction at the softness of the bed. Wow, it's so soft. After years, I'm so comfortable. I don't know when I went to sleep for the first time in years without the fear of them coming.

Taehyung's POV:

When I got out of the room, I stood near the door and waited for 10 minutes. Then I slowly opened the door, peeked inside, and saw that he was sleeping comfortably in the bed. I smiled at seeing how he was getting better a little bit. After a few minutes of me admiring him, I went from the hospital.

When I reached home, I lay down on the couch in the living room comfortably. Then I started thinking about Jungkook when suddenly I remembered her. I stood up and went to her room, and I saw her lying there connected to wires and breathing softly on the mask. I went and sat down on the chair beside the hospital bed.

"Oh, aunt, why did you ever love that asshole? If he wasn't in our lives, we would've been living happily. Oh no! Wait, stupid Taehyung, then my Jungkook also wouldn't be with me. Don't worry, aunt. I'll save my little mate. I'll even give my life for him if needed. I'll even give my soul to him so he can be happy. I'll take your and Jungkookie's revenge. I swear on my life. Anyway, aunt, do you know what happened today? I became successful in helping him a little bit. Firstly, he cried, and before attacking me for making your son cry, I want to say it's just the first step of my plan. I need to bring his emotions slowly, which he lost. So that's why it was a success. Secondly, he slept on the bed today. And you know why it's a big achievement? Because the staff told me that he never sleeps on the bed. He always sleeps in the corner, and sometimes he doesn't even sleep. I'm so happy he'll get a good rest tonight. And do you know he hasn't changed at all? Do you know what happened when I was feeding him? When he was full, he puffed his cheeks as he would do for you when he would get full. I just wanted to kiss his cheeks, but I need to be careful and don't make him uncomfortable. Slowly, he'll heal, and then no one can take him from me. I just want him back. I still remember his bunny tooth smile before that asswhole took him away from us".

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