Chapter Three

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Author's POV:

The next day came, and Jungkook's room door opened slowly. Jungkook was sitting in his usual spot, staring blankly at the bed. Taehyung came, smiling toward him, and sat down in front of him. They sat in silence for a few minutes, staring at each other. One in fear and the other in fondness.

Taehyung then took something from his bag and showed it to Jungkook. Taehyung smiled and looked at Jungkook.

"Hey, koo. I got some decorations from a store on my way. I thought of decorating your room a little bit so you're more comfortable", Taehyung exclaimed.

When he didn't get an answer, he got up and started decorating the whole room.

After two hours, the room was decorated fully. When Taehyung felt content with his work, he turned toward Jungkook and saw him looking around the room with his doe eyes. I hope he likes the decorations, Taehyung thought.

Jungkook's POV:

I looked around the room when he was finished. I'm not gonna lie, but it looks way more comfortable like this, just as I had before. I looked back at Taehyung and saw him looking at the window covered with wood. Oh no!! He isn't thinking what I'm thinking, right?

He started walking towards the window. That's when I whimpered, which caused him to look toward me. He stared at me for a few seconds before continuing to walk toward the window. I started to shake and breathe heavily. I feel like I'm going to die. Please, I can't breathe. Don't! Please! They'll come. I wanted to shout this, but I couldn't get a word out. He looked at me again before turning toward the window again. I've never felt this helpless.

I couldn't take it anymore. Tears started to come out of my eyes. When he looked at me again, he started smiling widely. I got confused. Why would he smile at seeing me cry? Is he like them? No! I won't cry. I don't want him to think I'm naive and weak, like they thought. I started to hold back my tears when he started walking toward me. I was about to wipe my tears, but he shook his head. I stopped what I was about to do, not knowing why. When I looked into his eyes, I saw concern. No! It's fake. They were also like him. They're all the same. Please! Just go away.

Taehyung's POV:

When I finished, I looked toward Jungkook. He was looking around the room like a curious bunny. Then I noticed the window, it was covered in wood. I started walking toward the window. I know Jungkook is going to panic, but I need him to move on from his past.

As I was about to touch the window, I heard a whimper. I looked toward the heartbreaking voice and knew what was about to happen. I sighed. Bun, I don't have any other choice. I need to help you. I want you back.

I turned around again, and as I was about to walk, I heard heavy breaths. I know that Jungkook is going to have a panic attack, but I need to keep the promise that I made to her. I looked at him for a few seconds before continuing what I was about to do.

As I was about to remove it, I looked back once again, but my breath hitched, and happy tears started to come out of my eyes. I started smiling widely, which made him look at me with confused, teary doe eyes, like a little bunny. I internally cooed.

I slowly started walking toward him, but as I saw he was going to wipe his tears, I shook my head, indicating to him not to do it. I chuckled at seeing how obedient he was, even in this state. I slowly sat in front of him and spoke softly and quietly, not to scare him further.

"It's okay to cry. You don't need to always be strong. Sometimes, crying in front of a stranger feels good because you know they won't judge you because they don't know your past. Keeping all the pain and sorrow inside your heart is not good. It won't do you any good; in fact, it'll hurt you even more. It'll break you slowly, and then, in the end, you won't even know how to get up. And if you think about how people would think you're weak by crying, then you are already weak by caring about what people think. You are strong when you don't care about showing your emotions in front of people. You will be strong when you fall down but get up again. Then, even if you cry, you won't mind because, when you look back, you know the change you made was worth it. You would know that you didn't care about what people thought, and you would be proud that you listened to your heart. Even if you don't want me to comfort you, it's okay with me, but remember that I'm always here with you, by your side, together".

And I think that was his last straw. He started crying loudly, and it broke my heart to pieces, so I slowly took him into my lap and hugged him tightly. I guess he wasn't in his senses because he put his head on my chest, held my shirt tightly in his fist, and cried. I started rocking him and started singing slowly.

After two hours, he calmed down but suddenly pushed me away harshly...

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