Chapter Twelve

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Taehyung's POV:

When I opened the door, my blood boiled because in front of me was that stupid creature in the arms of my baby, and he was licking my baby's lips, MY BABY'S lips.

When Jungkookie saw me, he smiled widely and hopped toward me, "Taetae, thanks for bringing Tannie; I was missing him a lot".

With that, he pecked my lips and hopped while yelling Eomma.

I can't even wipe my lips because it's Kook's lips, but that stupid creature also licked Kook's lips, but only for Kook; I'll leave it. Who the hell brought that creature? I intentionally left that homewrecker.

That's when someone put his hand on my shoulder.

"I thought you forgot that creature, so I brought it for you", Jimin said while smirking.

I know this asshole did it intentionally.

I removed his hand and glared at him, "I swear to God, I'll take my revenge".

"Sure", he said while laughing.

With that, he left.

That's when a creepy smile came to my lips. Just wait and watch, my soulmate; I will see you later. Now, I need to remove that disease from my baby. I went to the living room after calling someone and saw that everyone was sitting down while Kook was cuddling that thing. When that thing sensed that I was here, he started licking Kook's lips again. What the fuck? I swear to God someone is inside that creature, and he's using my Kook's innocence.

I cleared my throat, and when everyone's attention went towards me, I sat down on the single couch, sighed sadly, and started TeArInG up. When Kook saw that, he immediately put that thing down, came towards me hurriedly, and sat down on my lap while wiping my tears.

"What happened, Taetae? Why are you crying?", Jungkook said worriedly.

Aunt and Eomma also got up and came towards me.

"What happened, bear?", they asked together.

"It hurts", with that, I started sobbing.

Kook quickly hugged me and started asking repeatedly what hurt.

I looked towards him while hiccuping and said, "My lips".

There was an awkward silence for few minutes.....................

"Ouch, mom", I said while rubbing my head.

"Why would you pull such a stunt? I should've known better; neither you nor your dad take anything seriously", she said, annoyed.

"What did I do?", appa whined.

I laughed at him but smirked when I saw Kook's red tomato face.

I cupped his face and took his cherry lips in my teeth and sucked them slowly. I then looked at that thing from the corner of my eyes and saw it glaring back at me. Before I even knew it, Kook was snatched away from me by appa.

"Kook, how about we go play in the garden?", he asked.

Kook nodded shyly while looking down, as if the floor were the most interesting thing.

I mumbled a cockblocker quietly but was smacked in the head by Auntie and Eomma, "Language".

"Kook bun, come to hyungie", I ordered him.

He slowly got down from Appa and sat down shyly in my lap.

"This time I'll forgive you, but next time don't do this", said Appa sternly.

"Do what? I'll make love with him one day, so it's good if he is ready a little bit", I said, smirking at him.

When Appa heard that, he snatched Kook and started running. When I processed what happened, I ran after Appa.

"Wait, Appa, give my mate back. APPPPAAAAAAAAAA", I shouted, running behind him.

Appa turned towards me and showed his tongue while Kook was laughing loudly.

"Let's run from the monster, ok, my queen?", He said formally.

"Ok, uncle, let's go", he giggled.

With that, appa started running, but I suddenly stood in front of him while using my vampire powers, "boooooo".

Appa screamed loudly while Kook was laughing, and that's when I used the chance and snatched Kook from him and started tickling him, "Your queen is being eaten, bahahaha, and you peasants can't do anything".

Kook started thrashing around while laughing loudly.

"Who the hell did you call peasants?", everyone in the room said, except Yoongi hyung and Namjoon.

With that, they attacked me and held me tightly. They told Kook to attack me. I could get out of their hold easily, but I didn't want to spoil the game. Kook started tickling me, and I started laughing loudly.

But suddenly, I felt something wet on my leg. I removed Kook softly and looked at my legs.

When everyone saw that, they started laughing loudly while rolling on the floor. Even Yoongi hyung joined them, while Namjoon was laughing silently. Kook got up quickly and took that thing away. That thing did not. He did just piss on my leg, ON THE KING'S LEG.

Kook came back again when he put that shit in his room.

"It's okay, Taetae; he's a dog. Let's change your pants", he said softly.

I pouted while standing up and looked back at those annoying people who were still laughing. I rolled my eyes and held Kook's soft hand.

When we were about to go, we heard the door opening.

"YOUR HOPE IS HERE", a loud shout was heard.

Oh! I smirked when I saw him and looked at Jimin hyung. I saw him gulping scaredly and then looking at me angrily. I smirked at him while mouthing, 'It's an eye for an eye'.

"Kook, go bring Yeontan", I told Kook.

"But why Taetae? Are you going to punish him?", he said with teary eyes.

"No, I have something for him", I smirked.

"Ok, Taetae", with that, he ran toward that creature's room.

I went towards Hobi hyung and took the cage from him, and hugged him. He hugged me back, then pulled away. He greeted my parents and aunt too, who greeted me back. Then he went towards Yoongi hyung and sat down next to him shyly. Well, scratch that, he almost sat on his lap. I looked towards Jiminshii, and he was burning in anger. He got up quickly and sat on Yoongi's lap while glaring at Hobi hyung. Hobi hyung rolled his eyes and sat down comfortably on the couch. My parents and auntie also finally sat down properly on the couch.

That's when Kook came back with that thing. I signed Kook to come here. He came towards me while hopping like a bunny. He stood cutely in front of me and forwarded that thing towards me.

"What?", I asked.

"You asked for him, hyungie", he said innocently.

"No, you keep him. I want to show something for you, but mostly for him", I said with a smug look.

Kook nodded cutely and started jumping cutely in excitement. I put the cage down and opened it.

And a cute little thing came out. When Kook saw that, he gave me the creature quickly and ran towards ......... in excitement.

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