Chapter Twenty Four

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Author's POV:

It was finally their wedding day. This week, everyone was very busy arranging everything for the wedding. Wedding clothes, wedding venue, wedding rings, and every other wedding necessity.

So finally, all their hard work paid off because the wedding place looked like heaven, and the bride and groom looked heavenly beautiful.

Now, Taehyung was standing nervously at the altar, sweating very badly. Hobi, who was his best man, was looking at him with a done face because, even when he was getting married, he wasn't as nervous as him.

Leaving that thought, he tried to console him, but it didn't work even a little bit.

Taehyung was asking him every second. Does he look good? Is his suit okay? Is his hair okay? Are the wedding rings ready? Does the priest know how to do the ritual? Are all the people here? When will Kook come?

In the end, Hobi was in tears and ready to run away from the wedding, but he could do nothing but give a forced smile while answering every single question.

And about the other side: Kook was crying while throwing a tantrum at literally everything. He changed eight makeup looks, saying he wasn't looking pretty enough for his taetae when he literally looked like an angel. He asked the stylist to give him a hairstyle that literally needed long hair for that. When asked if he would wear a wig, he refused, saying he loved his own hair. After so many pleas from his aunt and mom, he accepted defeat.

Finally, after so many tantrums and hardships, he was finally ready and nervously stood with his uncle for the door to open. He took a deep breath when he heard the music start, and in seconds, the door opened. He looked at his uncle with a smile while holding his uncle's biceps tightly. They started walking together after his uncle gave him a forehead kiss.

Taehyung's POV:

As I was about to ask Hoseok how many weddings the priest performed, the music started.

I looked at the door, and my breath hitched at how beautiful Kook looked.

I burst into tears when he started walking. He also burst into tears when he saw me crying.

He left Appa and started running towards me. He hugged me tightly, asking me what happened while hiccuping.

"You look so beautiful that I can't control my tears", I said while crying.

"You also look so handsome, but don't cry", Jungkook also replied, hiccuping.

We were talking while hiccuping and crying. Everyone looked at us with a done face.

Jungkook kissed me before going back to appa. He mouthed me a 'don't cry' before holding Appa's bicep tightly and starting to walk down the aisle again.

The musicians started playing music again. When Jungkook reached the stage, appa handed me Kook's hand while crying, "Break my kook's heart, and I'll break your bones".

I looked at him offended, but before I could answer back, he turned toward Jungkook and hugged him tightly, "I know, baby, I won't be able to see you again as you'll be going with this dumbass, but don't forget to visit us" .

Author's POV:

Everyone turned silent, looking at the king crying loudly while hugging the soon-to-be queen tightly.

Yeonji went toward the stage, embarrassed.

She took his ear and started dragging him, "Dumbass, he's getting married to your son. So he'll be together with us".

Taejinyung looked at her while smiling sheepishly.

Everyone started laughing secretly but stopped when the priest cleared his throat and started speaking to get their attention.

"We're going to start the wedding ceremony of our prince Kim Taehyung and our Luna Kim Jungkook".

He turned towards Taehyung and asked, "Kim Taehyung, do you accept Kim Jungkook to be your husband?".

"I do", answered Taehung while staring deeply at Jungkook with a stare.

Jungkook smiled back at him with teary eyes.

The priest then turned towards Jungkook and asked, "Kim Jungkook, do you accept Kim Taehyung to be your husband".

"Yes, I do", Jungkook said while bursting into tears.

"Exchange your rings, please", the priest announced.

When they exchanged their rings, Taehyung took Jungkook's hand and kissed his ring.

"You may kiss now", the priest said.

When Taehyung heard that, he pulled Jungkook by his waist. He smashed his lips with Jungkook and started kissing him very hard. He pushed his tongue inside Jungkook's hot cavern. Jungkook started to fight with his own tongue but couldn't win as Taehyung overpowered him. He just let Taehung devour him.

1 minute went by, 2 minutes went by, and at the 3rd minute, Taehyung still didn't seem to stop as he was pulling Jungkook closer.

Hobi went toward Taehyung and nudged him to stop, but both of them seemed to be in their moment, thinking it's their room.

As Taehyung was about to put his hands inside Jungkook's shirt, Yeonji quickly went toward them and slapped Taehyung's head. Taehyung pulled out with a hiss.

When Jungkook looked around, he saw people looking at them. Some had red faces. Some were smirking. While some had shut their kids' eyes.

He turned red and hid his face in his hubby's chest.

Taehyung hugged him, smiling, and then looked at his mother with an annoyed look.

"Why did you slap me?", Taehyung asked.

"Because it's not your room", Yeonji answered back.

"Whatever, not even letting me enjoy my wedding day", he mumbled in the last part.

Yeonji shook her head and went back to her place.

Taejinyung got up and went towards the newlywed.

"My dear people, as my son found his life partner, I decided to give my throne to him and make him the next king of my kingdom", Taejinyung announced.

Hearing that, everyone cheered and clapped.

Taejinyung told the maid to bring the crown.

He took the crown, and Taehyung kneeled in front of his father.

"I, Kim Taejinyung, am giving my throne to my son, Kim Taehyung", and with that, he put the crown on Taehyung's head.

Everyone clapped and cheered.

Yeonji went towards Jungkook, who was jumping excitedly while clapping his hands for his Taetae hyungie.

Yeonji smiled at him and stood in front of him.

When Jungkook saw her with a crown in her hand, he got on his knees and looked at the queen.

"I, Kim Yeonji, am giving the crown to my son-in-law Kim Jungkook, who will stand together with his husband, helping him when he's in need. Standing strong together with him. I know that no one else is more worthy of this crown than you are. You are strong, a fighter, kindhearted, honest, loving, and everything that's needed for a beautiful and kind queen. This kingdom will have a queen, which will be the best in centuries", with that, she put the crown on Jungkook's head.

Everyone started clapping harder and cheering and shouting for their ethereal queen.

Jungkook got up and hugged his aunt tightly.

He then looked toward Taehyung and saw him with wide, open hands. He went toward Taehyung and hugged him tightly.

After a few minutes went by, they pulled out of the hug and saw their parents telling them to sit down on the throne.

It was a big chair that had a place for two people, as both the king and queen would sit together, side by side.

As they were going to sit down, Jungkook suddenly fainted. Before he could fall down, Taehyung took him in his arms. He was looking at his fainted mate with widened eyes.

He quickly took him in his arms and started running towards the medical room.

Everyone started running after him, too.

When they reached there, the doctor told them to stand outside, but Taehyung was not ready to leave Jungkook and was fighting literally everyone who was trying to pull him.

With great difficulty, his father held him back.

1 hour passed by, and everyone started getting worried as no news was coming.

Taehyung, who had red and puffy eyes, had enough. So he was going to barge into the room, but it suddenly opened.

All of them hurriedly went towards the doctor, looking at him with hopeful eyes, but froze after what the doctor said, "The queen is no more......"

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