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These are the members information, just so you could understand better.

Jung Hosoek:Age: 100 years oldNicknames: Hobi and JhopeSpecies: Ware wolf Yoongi's kindergarten friendIs a big flirt with Yoongi

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Jung Hosoek:
Age: 100 years old
Nicknames: Hobi and Jhope
Species: Ware wolf
Yoongi's kindergarten friend
Is a big flirt with Yoongi. Kind hearted, spoils Kook to the last core which even causes Kook's mom to scold him. Half of Kook's thing is gifts from hobi. Can smell people from meters.
Jimin's enemy
Mate: ?

Park jimin:Age: 40Nicknames: jiminshi, jiminie, Minnie, mochi, jamless, shortySpecies: witchTaehyung's kindergarten friendHates jhope with all his life, tried a few time to do magic on him but caught by Yoongi

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Park jimin:
Age: 40
Nicknames: jiminshi, jiminie, Minnie, mochi, jamless, shorty
Species: witch
Taehyung's kindergarten friend
Hates jhope with all his life, tried a few time to do magic on him but caught by Yoongi. Sassy and loves Kook more than he loves Yoongi. Can do magic.
Mate: Min Yoongi

Kim namjoon:Age: unknownNicknames: noneSpecies: not foundWas found by Taehyung's father in the woods and decided to take him in his shelter but wasn't accepted by Taehyung so was put in boarding school

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Kim namjoon:
Age: unknown
Nicknames: none
Species: not found
Was found by Taehyung's father in the woods and decided to take him in his shelter but wasn't accepted by Taehyung so was put in boarding school. Strange cause no one knows about him. Hated with passion by Taehyung.
Mate: unknown

Min yoongi:Age: 102Nicknames: suga, Yoonie, meow meow (only kook allowed to call him that)Species: dragonHobi's kindergartedn friendVery calm and let hobi flirt with him because he likes teasing jimin which cause him to sleep on the couch

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Min yoongi:
Age: 102
Nicknames: suga, Yoonie, meow meow (only kook allowed to call him that)
Species: dragon
Hobi's kindergartedn friend
Very calm and let hobi flirt with him because he likes teasing jimin which cause him to sleep on the couch. No one can touch him except jimin and kook. Can fly and make fire.
Mate: Park Jimin

Kim taehyungAge: 38Nicknames: alien, taetae, taehyungie, taehyungie hyungie hyung, hyungie, taebearSpecies: half vampire half devilJimin's kindergarten friendGives kook everything

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Kim taehyung
Age: 38
Nicknames: alien, taetae, taehyungie, taehyungie hyungie hyung, hyungie, taebear
Species: half vampire half devil
Jimin's kindergarten friend
Gives kook everything. A possessive cat over kook. Lover enemy is his own dad. Hates namjoon for unknown reasons. Spoils kook a lot because of which he gets scolded a lot by his mom. Has a rule "make kook cry and I'll make a river of blood for you from your own blood".
Mate: Jean/Kim Jungkook

Mate: Jean/Kim Jungkook

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Jeon/Kim Jungkook:Age: 19Nicknames: kook, bun, petal, bunny, kookie, jungkookie, baby bun, little bunnySpecies: vampireLoved to the core by everyone

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Jeon/Kim Jungkook:
Age: 19
Nicknames: kook, bun, petal, bunny, kookie, jungkookie, baby bun, little bunny
Species: vampire
Loved to the core by everyone. Innocent as hell. Kindhearted, naive, lovely and cute. Trusts easily which he started doing again after meeting Taehyung.
Have healing powers.
Mate: kim taehyung

(I forgot the ages of their parents so here)
Kim taejinyoung: 400
Kim yeunji: 300
Kim Minji: 240

Important: When the king's every son finds a mate, they have to give his throne to one of his son. There will be a fight between the brothers for the throne. When every brother is killed and one is left, he will be the kind. All of the species are immortal, they would be alive unless they are killed or die from a disease. Usually the king is killed by his own sons and then they fight for the throne. Their visuals remain the same after they turn 20.

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