Chapter Twenty Five

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Authors POV:

"The queen is no longer a single soul, but he's growing another soul inside him", the doctor said.

After he said that, everyone froze and looked at the doctor as if he had grown three horns.

"Really?", asked Taehyung, shocked, not believing what his ears were hearing.

"Yes, your majesty. We'll be getting a princess or a prince soon. Congratulations. You can meet his highness now, your majesty. His highness is awake, and his highness is asking to meet you, your majesty", with that, he bowed and took his leave.

Taehyung, without looking at his family, went inside and saw his heartbeat sitting there, holding his belly and caressing it softly while looking at him with teary eyes and a wide smile.

Taehyung didn't wait a second and took Jungkook in his arms and started spinning him.

Jungkook burst into laughter, holding Taehyung tightly.

"Put me down now, taetae", said Jungkook, still laughing.

"PUT ME DOWN NOW, STUPID", Jungkook slapped Taehyung's head when he wasn't putting him down.

Taehyung held his head while looking at Jungkook with wide eyes because his little bean, who wouldn't even shout at him, slapped him.

"Phew, I was getting dizzy", Jungkook said, rubbing his head.

Taehyung groaned again when he felt a hit on his head.

"Ouch, what the hell!!!", Taehyung said, turning toward his father, who was looking at him with a glare.

"What?", asked Taehyung while raising his eyebrow.

"How dare you touch my little innocent ball, huh? You asshole, I'll kill you with my own hands, with which you touched my innocent bean", Taejinyung said angrily.

"What did you expect me to do? He's my husband; there isn't anything wrong", Taehyung said, annoyed.

"You should've at least waited until marriage", Taejinyung scolded him.

"Before marriage or after marriage doesn't matter. I was going to make him pregnant anyway", answered Taehyung with sassiness.

"YOU.....", before Taejinyoung could say anything more, he was hit in the head by his wife.

"Why the hell do you think the sun and moon came together if they didn't make love, huh?", Yeonji said, annoyed with the drama.

"I thought it only meant that he marked him. I didn't know it meant hurting my little innocent bean", Taejinyung said, pouting.

"I didn't hurt him, Appa, but rather he was shouting and asking for more", Taehyung said, but hissed again when he felt another hit on his head.

He turned toward Jungkook, who was looking at him with an offended look.

"You were big. It wasn't my fault that I was shouting", Jungkook said, glaring at Taehyung.

"He got that from me", said Taejinyoung proudly, and with that, he got another hit on the head from his wife.

He pouted and turned his face to the other side, sulking.

"Kook bun, congratulations!!", said Minji, trying to finish this crackheadness.

She hugged Jungkook tightly. Jungkook smiled widely and hugged her back.

"Eomma, in how much time can I meet my baby?", Jungkook asked excitedly.

"In 5 months, bub", Minji said, kissing his forehead. (Vampires get pregnant only for 5 months).

Jungkook hummed and nuzzled his face in his Eomma's neck.

Everyone else also hugged them, and they did a family hug in happiness.

Five months went by with Jungkook's mood swings, which would change like the speed of light.

His horniness was pure torture because it nearly made Taehyung crazy since he couldn't touch Jungkook in fear of hurting him.

Jungkook morning sickness was also very hard for the family members. While trying to console Jungkook, they needed to console Taehyung too, who would always cry, thinking it's because of him.

These 5 months went by with everyone babying Jungkook and not letting him do anything at all.

One peaceful evening, everyone was sleeping peacefully.

Taekook were sleeping in their bed, with Taehyung backhugging Jungkook. He couldn't hug him from the front because of his stomach.

Suddenly, Taehyung's sleep got disturbed by soft whimpers and sniffing. He shot open his eyes and looked at Jungkook.

Jungkook had his eyes shut tightly, and he was digging his nails into Taehyung's arm, which were wrapped around him. His arm was nearly bleeding from how tightly Jungkook was digging his nails into him.

Taehyung took Kook into his arms.

Taehyung kissed his forehead and got up worriedly, but froze in his place when he suddenly felt something wet.

He looked down and noticed that Kook's water had broken.

He didn't panic because he was taught what to do during this time. He mindlinked everyone and told them he's going to the hospital.

When everyone got to the hospital, they saw Taehyung sitting on the floor in front of the emergency door while crying silently.

They could hear Jungkook's screams of pain from inside.

All of them went toward Taehyung and hugged him tightly while praying that everything went well.

After an hour, they heard small cries of a baby.

All of them closed their eyes in relief, and Taehyung burst into happy tears.

They got up when they saw the emergency door getting opened. They smiled widely when they saw the doctor coming with a little baby.

"Congratulations, your majesty. It's a prince", the doctor said with a bow.

Taehyung held the baby, and everyone started surrounding him, trying to take a look at the baby.

Taehyung looked toward the doctor and asked, "How is my bun? Is he okay?".

"Yes, your majesty, his highness is okay. He's waiting for you in his room", the doctor said with a smile.

Taehyung nodded and went inside with his baby boy sleeping soundly in his arms.

His family also followed behind him to Jungkook's room.

When they got inside, they saw Jungkook with tired eyes looking at them. He smiled softly when he saw his little prince in Taehyung's arms.

"My baby", he forwarded his hands.

Taehyung went toward him and placed the baby in his arms.

Taehyung kissed Jungkook deeply when he put the little bean in his arms.

No words needed to be exchanged to show how grateful he was. No words were needed to show how thankful he was. He showed everything in his kiss.

Both of them pulled away and connected their foreheads.

"What's the name, guys?", asked Taejinyoung.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook smiled at each other with their foreheads still connected.

"Kim Namjoon is his name, and he'll find his Min Yoongi to complete his incomplete story", with that, both of them looked at their little bundle of joy.

(Kim Namjoon)

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(Kim Namjoon)


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