Goode highschool percabeth

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Percy's POV

I just finished fighting a war ,but I still had to attend school. Figures. I tried to argue that I would be much better protected in Camp Half-Blood but my mom asked Poseidon if he could said my put barriers around the school, and be complied, also agreeing with her. So thanks a lot Dad. Honestly I don't mind schools as much as I mind the fact that me and Annabeth wouldn't be able to see each other as much.

I was trying to prepare myself to be completely ignored like all my other school years so I had to make some friends. I didn't want to be all alone considering I had gotten used to being close to all my friends the past few months. Grover said he had applied, but I never did hear from him. I quickly got dressed trying to make myself presentable, and decided to wear a normal blue shirt ,black jeans ,and a blue hoodie with black converse. I call this look I-care-just-not-enough.

As you can probably tell I am super excited for school.

My mom came into my room and said I looked good. What can I say I'm the son of a god.

My mom pressed a drachma into my hand and said "Call her." Instantly knowing who she was referring to I kissed her cheek and smiled brightly.

"Thank you"I responded.

I grabbed a water bottle and went towards the bathroom.

"Oh Iris goddess of the rainbow except my offering" I threw the drachma into the rainbow "Show me Annabeth Chase Camp HalfBlood. I saw my girlfriend sword fighting with her half brother Malcom and she was winning by a long shot. Instead of waiting for them to finish like any other person I called out to her just as she was going to pin him.

This distracted her enough to let Malcom pin her.

"Percy! You made me lose." she groaned.

"Noted "

"Seaweed brain"

"We'll finish this later" she yelled to Malcom as he walked away.

"Where are you going dressed like that" She said frowning.

"It's called school"

"Yeah, but why like that."

"Grover isn't going to be with me and I want to look presentable"

"I guess I'm just so used to seeing you in shorts and a Camp Half-Blood shirt. Anyways I should probably let you go. I Love you" She said giving me the smile that I love so much.

"Love you more" I blew her a kiss as she laughed and with that I broke the connection. I tried to prepare myself for the year to wait, but there was a weird feeling in my stomach.

I wasn't sure what it was, but I could only hope it was good.

----3 months later-----

Annabeth's POV.

"What to do. What to do." I mumbled curses under my breath as I tried to control my breathing.

"Calm down Annabeth it's just school. You are a daughter of Athena you should be thrilled to be back in school after so long." Piper coaxed.

"I am excited ,but I'm going to see Percy after so long," a frown forming on my lips.

"Yeah, but what are you so scared about he is your boyfriend. He literally went to hell and back for you, even gave up immortality." Piper said.

"But what if...."

"Way to have faith for your boyfriend "

"You know what you're right I need to relax. Thanks Piper your a really good friend. I need to go pack now"

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