What now

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Annabeth POV

What now. There are two psychotic girls after my boyfriend just great. I walked towards Percy and heard him and Jason talking.

"What do I do now"Percy said.

"We'll if you don't want her following you everywhere then just tell her"

"It's that I want to spend time with you know who"

"Just pretend your busy or something"

"I don't want to get her suspicious"

"I don't now perce"

"Oh well"

They were heading this way. So I ran to Piper.

"Piper something's wrong"

"What is there a monster" she said sounding alarmed.

"No it's Percy and Jason there hiding something"

"Oh ok so what do we do?" I looked at her with an evil glint in my eye. Oh this was going to be fun.

We walked up to Jason. "Hey Jason we heard you and Percy talking about something can you tell us what it was about" Piper said in a flirty voice.

"I promised I wouldn't"he said

"C'mon you can tell us right unless you don't trust us"

"I can't I promised"

"But you didn't swear on the Styx right"

"No butt"

"Tell me"piper said in a demanding voice.

"Ok it's about....."


So guys sorry umm would to u like to read another story thinking of making a new one about werewolves so sorry and its super short late update sue me. Haha not really. Disclaimer;

I don't own any of ricks characters blahblahblah k

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