Everything back to normal. Haha not

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Percy POV

Everything is back to normal Finally. Not. everyone has some type of tension going on its awfully weird. I mean piper won't talk to anyone Jason seems sad. hazel seems okay not her usual self but okay.Don't even get me started on frank and Leo. they've been fighting non stop about something and Clarrisse and Chris won't speak to anyone and when they do they're threatening someone. juniper and Grover left because of something at camp. Travis and katie are mad at eachother Conner seems to be planning something Believe me I would have left if I could this is just to me. Annabeth and me are so stressed with school and with them it's just weird. so to get away I'm taking her on a date in planning to take her to dinner and then to a a walk on the beach.

I put on a plaid shirt and normal jeans. I go to Annabeth's room and knock. when she opens the door I can't help but stare she's wearing a grey sparkley cocktail dress grey ballet flats with little bows on them but the best part was that she had her hair in her normal pony tail. In other words she looked beautiful.

"Wow" we both said at the same time.

"Let me guess Aphrodite" I said knowingly.

"You guessed it" Annabeth replied.

"Well the I guess we should get going" I said

"Yeah let's go" she said.

Annabeth POV Earlier today

What to wear what to wear. I'm guessing Aphrodite took it upon herself to pick out my outfit. I never thought I'd ever say this but I'm actually happy that she picked out my outfit. I mean I had no idea where we were going and knowing the goddess she probably already knew where we were going. heck she probably planned our date. its that lately me and Percy have been stressing over everyone. no one will talk to anyone I mean what happened then I have to deal with Lisette. Ugh right know war seems so much easier. who knew a little couple drama was all we needed to fall apart.

So I looked in my closet and the outfit was actually not that bad a grey sparkly cocktail dress. I hate dresses and sparkles but compared to everything else Aphrodite has dressed in its actually pretty decent. I put everything on and thankfully Aphrodite didn't feel the need to mess with my hair at the moment so everything was fine.

An hour later

Me and Percy were walking down the shore line earlier we went to a cute little Italian restaurant we talked about our situation so far this date had been amazing. and I wanted it to stay that way. after the amazing date we went home to find something that honestly was horrible.

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