The fight

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Percy's POV

Oh my gods Sam he obviously had an eye on Annabeth .

"So what are you doing"he said to Annabeth" I think Annabeth knew he was trying to flirt with her.

"We'll I'm doing this" she grabbed my collar and kissed me. I could hear all the gasps from some of the other girls. I didn't care about that now all I cared about was Annabeth till we got interrupted by the vise principle.

"Uhhem"we looked up and saw him staring at us. Before we could say anything .

"Detention both of you." Oh well.

"Dude someone got detention " it was my other friends Aaron Mike and Nick " who's this"

"My girlfriend "I said a little to quickly.

"Oh really is it the Annabeth " Aaron said.


Annabeth POV.

These guys were picking on my boyfriend MY boyfriend.

"Yeah what's it to you"

"Hold it sweetheart no need to get feisty"the one that I think is Nick.none of them looked very attractive. theyre all wearing skinny jeans. Nick was short he had dirty blond hair and he was wearing a blue hoodie. Aaron was kind of buff he had a blu shirt on with brown hair. Mike was about nicks size he was wearing a red shirt and had pure blond hair.

"Percy come on"I grabbed him by the hand and dragged him through the halls until I found the math class which took forever. I looked around for a seat the only seat I found unfortunately was as far from Percy as can be and next to that Sam kid. I wonder how fast he'd gotten here I noticed he disappeared after the vise principle gave us detention huh. Math went by really slowly. Though I could not wait for my next class which was mythology. That Sam kid was staring at me and winking. I had a boyfriend so get over it.


Percy POV

Ok last time I checked me and Sam had been best friends 10 minuets later he's flirting with my girlfriend. I am going to kill him. Like for real. Math finished and I walked back to Annabeth's side. Sam just had to but in didn't he.

"Hey sweetie"he said to Annabeth .

"Sam Annabeth's MY girlfriend"

"What a shame your dating this guy when you could obviously could have something better"

"I really don't think it gets any better than Percy"I put my arm around Annabeth . Just then Sam moved to her side twirled her and kissed her. Ok this guy was going to get it. I pushed him off Annabeth she just looked shocked. I punched him in the stomach and my math teacher came rushing over too seperate us. Though Sam had different ideas. He pushed our math teacher and he went flying into the chairs.he tried to punch me in the face but I easily blocked him. I then judo flipped him . I turned around and I felt me getting clutched by my collar.i turned around and punched Sam or who I thought was Sam instead it was our math teacher. I think I broke his nose. I tried to help him but I got tackled. I got pushed into the desks Sam punched me in the face. He asked for it. I punched him even harder right in the gut.

He doubled over in pain. I was about to punch him again but something held me back.

"Percy stop"Annabeth said.

I got up and looked at what I had done. The room was a mess. Chairs every where. Everything was flipped over and alot more.

"Perseus Jackson Annabeth Chase and Sam Anderson TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE NOW" my math teacher bellowed.

--- Annabeth POV.----

Such a Goode way to start your day isn't it..

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