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Percy POV

Day five and I think I'm dying. Yep absolutely dying. Tomorrows Friday. Valentines day. Yep you heard me Valentines day and Annabeth doesn't even want to kiss me. Apparently she was serious about the whole' not kissing you because you're wrong and I'm right for a whole month' But its Valentines day and I have got the perfect thing for Annabeth tomorrow. Me and the guys will win our girlfriends back. Best thing about tomorrow is that there is no school because of how much snow we got. Perfect.

"Annabeth" no response.

"Annabeth" no response.Poke

"Annabeth" no response.Poke. Shove


"Gods Percy what do you want!"

"To spend time with my lovely girlfriend. What else would I want" I said sitting next to her on the couch

"Don't even think of making a move Percy or I swear to the gods I'm going to drop kick you out the balcony" She said still staring at her laptop.

"Calm it Wise girl can't you be a little sympathetic. It's the day of love" I said singing the last part. Slinging my arm over her shoulders.

"Fine what do have planned on this whimsical day dedicated to love" she said sweetly finally looking up at me.

"That's for me to know and you to find out. and what's with the bitter attitude" I said frowning.

"Sorry" she said sighing looking up at me. "I've just never had good experiences on Valentines day"

"It's fine" I said pecking her cheek.

"Well you ought to get ready. See you at five" I said getting up from the couch and walking into the hall.

"What do I wear!" I heard her yell. thinking about it I didn't really know.

"Warm and casual" I yelled back


What is that boy planning. sometimes I wonder about him. I sighed and got up closing my laptop and setting it on the coffee table and walked to the girls wing. I knocked on Pipers door.

"COME IN" I heard someone yell probably Hazel. I walked in and saw Katie, Clarrisse, Piper, and Hazel on the bed.

"Hey guys is anyone else's boyfriends being sickly sweet" I said. Everyone raised there hands.

"Yeah I thought so" I said sitting down on a beanbag chair.

"They're planning something" Clarrise said. She was obviously right.

" What did they tell you guys" I asked them.

"Warm and casual" they responded That's what I had thought if anything they were probably planning something together.

"Might as well get ready" Piper said


Luckily Aphrodite let us go our own way as for clothes but hair and make up was a mess. One minute you had knotty dryer hair and poof you have perfect Model curls that shine against any form of light. I ended up wearing a dress with black leggings. The dress fell right above the knees and the skirt was a grey leather while the top was a red with black polka dots. It was five and I was waiting in my room. A knock interrupted my thoughts. It was a rose and a letter. I picked it up wondering what it was.

Dear Annabeth,

For valentines day I thought I wouldn't be a sappy romantic that I know you dislike. But someone you would enjoy spending time with. So come to the training room.

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