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Annabeth's P.O.V.

"Mom what is going on!"I nearly screamed.

"I'm finding you a new boyfriend" she stated firmly.

"Mommy Athena doesn't want her daughter Annabeth to date bad boy Perseus Jackson because of his father Poseidon. Athena has picked two boys in which Annabeth will go on two dates with." The voice said.

"What's up with these weird names "he said when he stopped recording.

"I know you do not watch MTV who told you" I said.

"Easy Aphrodite " uh oh. I felt Percy tense beside me.

"Who picked them"

"Aphrodite I figured since she was the goddess of love" I think Percy was getting sweaty. I knew he was going to think I was going to leave but how he is the best boyfriend I could ever wish for but wet again Aphrodite did pick them. Wait what am i saying i have the best boyfriend in the world and I'm not going to leave my Percy for some other guy My mom should get that and Percy should too.

"Mom you should know I'm not going to leave Percy"i said with a matter a fact voice.

'we shall see" i gave Percy a reassuring squeeze. We then heard a knock on the door I guess that's my date. i will give Aphrodite some credit he is hot but i know I'm not going to leave Percy. he had dirty blond hair with brown chocolaty eyes he had a six pack and was wearing a simple T-shirt and jeans nothing to drastic like Percy.

"annabeth this is Eric he was excepptd to Harvard and if you chose him he might be able to gt you in isnt he lovley"she said very sweetly she knew i wanted to get accepted but i didnt need Erics help i could get in all by myself.

"ok well lets get going" i gave percy a lingering kiss and told him i would be back and that i would never leave him,


Percys POV

he could get her into Harvard i would never be able to do that. maybe shell pick him... no Prcy dont think about that she would never leave you you should know that when she kissed me i didnt want to let her go but iknew i couldnt do anything Athena would probobly kill me. What annabeth said was reassuring but still. i sat down and began to watch.


Annabeths POV

where are we going i said as we got into his new red soports car.

"its a surprise"

"please tell me i hate surprises"i whined

'somewhere special and one of the most favorite places" fine i gave in.

" We're here he said as he covered my eyes I opened them and saw it was a lake. I liked it but I prefer the ocean.

"Wanna go for a swim"

"I prefer to stay dry" actually no I was dying to jump in but he's not MY Percy.

"Oh ok then"he splashed me"

"Stop please"I wailed.

-----Percy POV-----

He was totally flirting with her MY girlfriend . I was really jealous because the sprinklers outside exploded. Oh well he just threw her into the lake. I am actually scared she is going to pick him no no stop thinking like that. They finally got out and went to eat lunch at a pizzeria.

"So do you like Greek mythology"

"Sure I fuess" he was blufing and Annabeth calls me oblivious.

__________________________ so this is dedicated to abby287 and I think it nancy bobofit ok I'm in spring break so more updates

Q:what was the first monster Percy ever faced??

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