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Annabeth POV

Okay I may be smart but I'm not nerdy lets get this straight. Oh well.

"Hi you must be Annabeth right"Charlie said.

"Yes and you are charlie"I said he nodded.

We walked out and he tried to grab my hand key word tried. Look I have no problem with this type of kid okay but when his hands smell weird I mean come on. I don't know what he did soo. we got into a small little car and I barely fit and yeah.

"Where are we going" I said.

"To the Mint" I really don't need to know how they make money."my dad owns it he is a millionaire"like that would make a difference I am not a gold digger.

"Charlie lets get one thing strait I'm not a gold digger so you can keep all your money and I got out of the car when we were stopped at a red light.

"Where are you going!"

"To my house"

"What I'm a millionaire"

"Like I care " and I ran until I got to the house.

When I entered Percy was cracking up.

"What are you laughing about" he pointed to the screen and I saw Charlie throwing a hissy fit until he tripped and landed on his face I laughed too.

"Annabeth what was that" my mom said.


"Your date is going to be here so go go go"




"Annabeth chase "

"No mom I'm going to end up picking Percy you know that"


"I pick Percy so bye" I kicked the camera crew out.


"Bye mom" she huffed and left in a puff.(no pun intended )

"That was awesome I've never seen you act that way especially towards Athena" Percy said.

"We'll my mom is the goddess of wisdom and she should know I'm going to pick you"Percy laughed and

kissed me in the lips for a few minuets.

__________________________ so how's it been my pandas sorry I had writers block and stuff did I mention my power was cut off I still need to write my chapter for those of you who read both of my stories bai and this dedication goes to *drumroll*

Emilythegreatest yay three cheers hip hip yoorah hip hip yoorah hip hip yoorah next update Sunday or Monday

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