Percabeth in trouble

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--Annabeth POV.--

"Ok wat is the problem here"the principle said.

"It was Sam's fault"Percy said accusingly.

"No it was Percy "Sam screeched.

"You can stop now Percy"I said. I heard him grumble a few colorful words to Sam.

"Yes but wat happened"the principle said.

"Percy punched me that's what happened I just defended myself"Sam said.







"Ok your name is Annabeth right tell me the actuall story"Sam winked at me.

"Uh ok... So we were I math class and Sam was flirting with me. So Percy being the overprotective boyfriend he is walked up to me when class was finished. Sam kissed me when i was dating Percy."

"So what I'm hearing is your single"


"So Percy punched Sam in the gut..... So yeah"

"What ever happened to pals before gals "

"He is not my pal and kissing my girlfriend was over the edge"

"All of you have detention go back to your classes"

Wow 2 detentions in my first day of school my mom is going to have a fit. We walked to our class and for the first time I looked at wat he was wearing. He was wearing a simple t-shirt and plain old jeans even though he was wearing something so simple he looked hot. His jet black hair was messy in a cute way.his sea green eyes were so charming.i thought wat every girlfriend would think would he leave me would he......stop Annabeth he loves you and you love him.

We got to mythology just to get homework. I sat down next to Percy. I saw piper and practically every one else staring at us. Later I mouthed. Ok so my next class is Algebra BORING. I noticed that all my classes were with Percy. I thanked whoever picked our schedules. 1 minuete later we got up to leave. I grabbed Percy's hand and we left. Algebra was pretty normal except for all the girls staring at my boyfriend MY get it in your head you little brats MY boyfriend not yours MINE so back off, I thought to myself. I guess my expression was pretty hard because Percy looked at me and had a look of panic in his face as if I would kill these girls which I would but I forgot to bring my knife figures.

Ok next was lunch so we would be able to talk with our friends so I relaxed. I grabbed Percy's hand and gave the girls my best death glare I guessed it was really good because some of the girls whimpered.

We got to the cafeteria and saw our friends talking. Me and Percy got into the line for lunch. As soon as we got our food we headed for their table. I sat down and I got tackled with questions actually only one

"Why were you you two late to Mythology"piper asked clearly interested.

"Short or long version"I said.

"Uh short version"they all said trying to get to the point.

"Ok well a boy was flirting with me Percy got over protective beat the kid up and we got sent to the principles office and got detention"I said as if it were nothing.

"Sounds a bit like my day" she said eyeing Jason and he just looked down suddenly interested in his burger.

----piper POV----

{flash back}:(couldn't resist turn it both ways A/N):

We were in history when a boy walked up to me and attempted to flirt with me. Jason came in and saw that he was looking at me and staring at the boy who was trying to flirt with me key word tried. All of a sudden Jason came and patted the kid in his back and he got shocked I could tell it hurt he said bye quietly. I gave Jason a murderous glare.

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