I'm Sorry

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Annabeth Pov

The next morning was fairly simple. It was almost like nothing had happened. Percy was gone before I even woke up. When I had nightmares Percy learned that it was best to give me space the morning after.

As per usual I got ready. I guess Aphrodite decided that I needed a break and let me pick my own clothes today. I wore a plain red shirt with an orange hoodie above it and jeans. (a/n let's pretend that spring is just beginning even though its summer)

I walked the stairs since I didn't want to go on the elevator and have to talk because I was not in my best mood.

When I got downstairs I saw that only Jason, Piper, and Leo were awake. They were sitting by the counter eating cereal and talking but they stopped as soon as they saw me come down.

"Good morning." said Piper breaking the silence in the room.

"Morning." was all I said in response.

I walked to the fridge and took out the milk to make myself some cereal. Instead of eating with them by the counter I went out side in the backyard to eat. I made myself comfortable on one of the lawn chairs but I didn't even touch my cereal instead I just put it on one of the other chairs and closed my eyes.

It wasn't just the nightmare that was bothering me it was the talk that me and Percy had in my roomlast night. It just bothered me how he didn't even realize what was bothering me. It was already March only 3 more months until the end of our senior year.

I took a deep breath and took out my phone to look at the time. 7:43 we only had 17 minutes until school began so I made my way inside to find everyone already down stairs and ready. Everyone besides Percy that is.

"Hazel has Percy come down yet?" hoping that he was in the kitchen or had already stepped into the garage or had to go up again for some reason.

Hazel shook her head saying no and at that response I climbed up the stairs and got in the elevator pressing the button to go up. Percy was probably tired from having to deal with me last night and was probably sleeping at this very moment and honestly I didn't want to go to school without him and have to deal with Bridget, Sam ,and Lisette alone.
stood infront of his door about to push It open when it swung open revealing a clean and very awake Percy. I was shocked I really didn't expect Percy to be awake.

"Hey good morning Annabeth." he said hugging me and pressing a kiss to my forehead, while grabbing my arm and hauling me down to the elevator and all in the while looking very happy.

To say I was appalled was an understatement because I honestly didn't know how to react.
In normal mornings he's happy and he's okay on the morning after my nightmares but this is just.. not normal I didn't know what to say so I just went along with it.

He quickly said hello to everyone in the living room, but then quickly pushed me out the door.

He pushed me inside the car and then he closed my door and went on his side starting the car all in the while saying nothing.

He looked me over and then reached over and buckeld my seatbelt and then buckling his own and the drived out of the garage. None of us really spoke, but the silence was overpowering so I decided to break it.

"You look happy." was all I said.

"Is there a reason not to be. It's a beautiful day and its another day we get to live." he said smiling.

None of us spoke after that for some reason there was a tension so thick you could cut it with a knife but there was no reason for there to be tension. We were already close to the school when we gave a turn in the oppsosite direction.

"Hey Percy not to alarm you or anything but we did just turn in the opposite direction." I said pointing backwards.

"I realize that." he said

"You do realize that school is about to begin?"

"Yep." he said popping the p.

I didn't say anything after that there seem to be a lot of silence this particular morning.

We drove for about five minutes before we stopped at a clearing and Percy stepped out of the car and further into the clearing. I followed suit and got out as well. Suddenly Percy's happy exterior shattered into a million pieces. He fell to his knees and covered his face with his hands.

He started to mutter things.

I crouched beside him and said nothing not able to catch anything of what he was saying. Until he finally looked up his eyes watering and saying,

"Im sorry."

I really didn't understand anything.

"I'm sorry." he said and then something broke inside him and then everything flowed out of him.

"I'm sorry im so clumsy. Im sorry I can't be serious. Im sorry I'm horrible with first immpressions. I'm sorry im sometimes annoying. I'm sorry I'm aggravating. I'm sorry I'm lazy. I'm sorry I'm sometimes inconsiderate. I'm sorry for not being romantic. I'm sorry im bad at explain things. I'm sorry I can't be better. I'm sorry I'm oblivious. I'm sorry im dense. I'm sorry im not enough. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry for not being enough for you." he said not once looking at me.

I grabbed his chin and made his tear filled eyes look at me.

"Don't you ever apologize for any of that. That is who are you and you are perfect to me the way that you are and I love you for being you. I love every bit of you and don't you ever say sorry for not being enough because in reality you are a lot more than I deserve in life and you don't have to apologize for being you because I love you. And don't you ever say that you couldn't protect me because the only reason I am here in front of you breathing is because of you and in case you didn't already know I love you and I don't want you to ever forget that." I said hugging him and he hugged me back not saying a word.

" I don't know what made you think that you ever had to say sorry for any of that." I said pulling out of his embrace.

He looked down once again

"You have nightmares because I couldn't protect you."

"No don't you dare say that. What makes you think that my nightmare are about the things that happened to us because their not."

"What else could they be about?" he asked looking up.

"You want to know what their about?They're about losing you. Im afraid that you'll find someone better and then leave me and I'll be alone again."

"But I would never leave you."
"Yeah well its just that school is going to be ending soon and you don't seem to care."

"Why would I care?"

"Because after school we go to college and you already said that you want to study insate and I want to study all the way to Harvard."

"I'm sorry but I still don't see your point." he said looking a little confused with his eyes now drying.

"Im afraid that we'll get distant and then I'll lose you.." I said looking up to the sky that was blue with hints of pink because of the sun.

"Oh. I understand now but you should know that the reason I was never worried was because I already knew that there was nothing to worry about because I know for sure that im too in love to let you go and I'll follow you wherever you go because it would hurt too much to let you go and I would go to the ends of the earth with you, but only for or with you." he said looking into my eyes the whole time.

My eyes started to water and I tackled him in a hug burrowing my face in his shirt with silent tears streaming down my face.

And that is the chapter. Sorry it wasn't one of my best. Well anyways this is dedicated to my lovely editor summerluvin_

The question for today is: What is Reyna's full name?

Well bye

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