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Piper POV

I looked at Annabeth and she looked really happy in first period she showed me the ring it was beautiful. Sometimes I wish Jason could be a little more like Percy. Not in the idiotic dumb stupid way but in the romance department. Percy is sweet and is just what Annabeth needs. I love Jason but sometimes I wish he could be more romantic sometimes people ask me if we are still dating.

I just wish for once he could break some rules for me. Like the night Percy went down to the stables with Annabeth in the Argo two. I know for a fact Jason would never do that he's to much of a good boy to do so. But I still love him. He's amazing and nothing can change that.

I walked into second period math I was horrible at it. Jason is in this class but I have no idea where he is. I also have an enchanted wardrobe. My mom gave Annabeth a break with the clothes but do I? No. Today I was wearing a dress. The chest was blue and had a black belt then the bottom was whit and came up to mod thigh. My hair was curled and clipped back so it doesn't get in face.

Then I saw Jason walk through the door. He was being followed by two girls they looked like sluts. How does this school allow them to wear stuff like that. There skirts are to short and their shirts show to much cleavage. He was ten minutes late.

"Mr. Grace , mrs. Underwood, and mrs. Gomez you are ten minutes late the three I'd you have detention after school I expect you to see you here" the two girls squealed but Jason just groaned.He came and sat next to me the girls glared at me.

"What happened?" I asked. Jason rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.

"It's a long story"he said.

"I got time"


Frank POV

Life was fine absolutely fine. Not its the exact opposite.


Hazel POV

No no no I got to fix this i-I don't know what I'm going to do


Nico POV

I have a crush. Yes I Nico di'Angelo have a crush. Her names crystal. She has the gothic type of look. It fits her really good. Her hair is black with blue streaks. She's in everyone of my classes she's really nice. But there is a problem she's taken. Her boyfriend is a cheater you can tell but I don't want to tell her the news even though it pains me I want her

To find out for herself.


It's my birthday so this is my present to you guys.

Shouldn't you guys be getting me presents oh well. Can you guess my age? Who ever gets it right will win a dedi I haven't done those in a while :D

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