On Second Thought

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Everything had been going fairly well, but unfortunately things didn't last that long. It was Monday to start off. I hate Monday's, and Mondays hate me considering how bad my day was going first and second period was utterly horrible. Apparently Mrs. Brockenburg didn't appreciate in my comment when I was clearly answering her question. For starters it was her fault she was the one who asked me why she could hear me talking while she was talking. So I answered her questionably saying 'because you have ears' but I was the one who got sent out of the classroom. So I just sat outside of the door and then she proceeded to lecture me about respecting my elders.

"Annabeth, Annabeth, Annabeth, Annabeth" I said while poking her arm. "Annabeth"

"Percy will you quit it"


"I am seriously considering adding another week to your punishment"

"Please we all know you can't resist this" I said pointing to myself.

"A week it is" Annabeth said under her breath.

"No, No I didn't mean it I promise please no!" I said

"Percy shut up Mrs. Martinez is mad as it is"

"But what if I don't want to shut up"

"PERCY JACKSON CORRIDOR NOW!" Mrs. Martinez boomed in her raspy and weird voice.

"Touchy" I mumbled as I head towards the door. After spending an eternity that was actually only ten minutes the bell rang and I went inside the classroom to get my things ,but not before getting an after school detention from the witch that Mrs. Martinez is. I looked at the clock and noticed that we only had 5 minutes before the bell rang so I just sat outside the door not really doing anything that is until I saw the poster by the wall. It said track tryouts were after school and since swim season was over I could use it to get me out of after school detention with Mrs. Martinez which is awesome because I don't think that I could stand being an hour alone with Mrs. Martinez after school. I waited until the bell rang to go up to Mrs. Martinez with my excuse. Winking at Annabeth as I made my way inside the classroom leaving her confused. It didn't matter if the bell rang it was our free period.

"Uh Mrs. Martinez may I speak to you" I said looking at her from above her desk where she was sitting.

"Yes, Mr. Jackson what is it that you would like to speak to me about?" she said in her nasal and raspy voice.

"Well you see I can't go to after school detention because I have track tryouts" I said.

"Is that so?", before I could respond she said "Well, I guess I will see you there"

"Uh excuse me what?" I asked because I really wasn't going to go to tryouts it was just an excuse and since coach Haden is awesome he would probably cover for me.

"Well you know Sam he does track and I was planning to go but you know this is perfect" she said while organizing her papers and binders not once looking up. I can't believe I actually forgot that Sam does track and that the witch is his mother now I can see where he bets his traits from. So now I really have to tryout. Well this just sucks.

"Yeah so um see you there Mrs. Martinez" I said running out of there before she could say anymore. Once I was out of the room I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding and then came to face Annabeth. Not saying anything I grabbed her hand and started dragging her through the almost empty hallways. Until we came into the cafeteria. Surprisingly she didn't say anything in regards as what I had done. Once we got to our table I began to explain to everyone what had happened with Mrs. Martinez.

"Percy you managed to get yourself into even more trouble" said Piper while shaking her head at me.

"We'll here comes more" said Leo while pointing behind me. Groaning while turning around all o saw was a flash of pink. Ugh we all know what this means.

"PERCY!!!" went Brittany's high pitched voice. I swear this girl will be the cause of my hearing loss maybe she was the cause of Mrs. Brockenburg's hearing loss...

"OMG I totes can't believe that your joining the track team because guess what? I AM TOO!! Haha isn't that great mean this would be totally awesome we can be track buddies just me and you." She squealed.

"Haha not just you," Annabeth broke in. "I also happen to be joining the track team isn't that just awesome maybe you should pair up with Sam I because Percy and me are going together" while Brittany just gaped at her.

" well it was nice talking to you Brittany but toodles" Annabeth said faking cheeriness turning around and turning me around with her.The table was silent after the whole Brittany encounter gods only know how much I wish Annabeth would strangle her already. Maybe I could make her jealous. She looks cute when she's mad unless she's mad at me that is. In that case I tend not to look at her face because I'm most likely running... away

" Since when did you like track" I broke the silence asking Annabeth.

"Same time you decided that it would be a good idea to get Mrs. Martinez" She retorted turning away.

"touché" I muttered under my breath not saying anything else after that. It seems that there are many silences today.

"Sooo" Leo said," Are you going to eat that pudding cup"

"what... never mind eat it"

"yay more pudding for me" he said clutching the pudding cup to his chest.

" on second thought I want" I said taking it from him.

Okay guys I'm so sorry that this chapter is way overdue it's just that my tablet was getting an antivirus and I had to wait. So did you guys like the chapter. Do you guys think my writings gotten better? By the way IMPORTANT ANOUNCMENTS

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