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Annabeth's POV

I admit I was having a good time but I would pick Percy no doubt sooo. I asked him if he liked mythology. And he said I guess what is that soppost to mean I did not believe him he was totally bluffing. Hehe seaweed brain must think I believed him I'm not that oblivious.

"Oh ok who's your favorite goddess" if he says Hera then I am going to scream because the goddess will never let me live it down.

"Oh...uh....Hera" I managed to stop myself from screaming due to the lightning outside considering she hates me and every other demigod alive.

"Soooo who's your favorite god" it'll be just my luck if he says Zeus.

"Poseidon"he said a little more sure of himself I can imagine seaweed brain. Ohh


Percy POV

"Posiedon" ohh. I did a little happy dance in my seat but ended up getting weird glances from the cast and Athena.

"Don't humor yourself "she said bluntly.

I was still doing the happy dance in my head I am the son of Poseidon take that ohh. I was really bored throughout the rest of the conversation I tried my best not to fight with Athena 'cause I knew she could turn me to ash in a second so.

I must have been lost in my thoughts because I saw Annabeth walk in.

"Hi sea weed brain"

"No talking your date has attuned Annabeth say hello to Charlie"

Ok when I say nerdy I mean nerd. He was extremely nerdy. He had black nerdy glasses suspenders freckles and braces.oh this was going to be good. Hehe.

__________________________ ok updated so yay I'm most likely going to update tomorrow I or the day after tomorrow get it huh huh. No ok.

Well the dedication goes to drumroll please *drumroll*


Yay hoooo hooo yay.

Ok so it was the fury I said faced not defeated so ok.

Q:what was the first thing Annabeth ever said to Percy WHEN HE WAS FULLY CONCIONce

Don't act smart with me sooo


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