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Finally got it up are you proud you should be. Sorry if it's kind of sucky though i kind of rushed because i was using my brothers laptop because he is currenlty in soccer practice. Btw i finally got my hands on City of Heavenly fire and Clockworck Princess. *NO SPOILERS PLEASE* okay bye my pretties. Also my birthday is this Sunday yay who knows maybe i'll tell you my age on the next update *Not Edited* Does anyone want to be my editor PM me if you want.


Me and Percy were walking back from the tryouts because in Percy's mind when you fail it's so much cooler to walk away rather than use your car because 'it's very anticlimatic to drive away when you can dramatically walk away'. And since I didn't have my car and Percy was stuck on walking we walked. When I say tryouts were horrible that is to say the least. I will just leave it at the day that Percy can pole vault is the day monkeys fly. And because Percy caused quite the ruckus in his attamp in pole vault (that and coah Thompson decided to be easy on us) we were told to go home with Sam's laughter as well as Mrs. Brockenberry's. You would think that she would have a little more respect.

I forgot to mention that whats-her-face was also there but i actually managed not to strangle her which both Percy and I were very proud of because some of the comments she threw my way were not in the least bit nice. Unfortunatley i was used to her very unoriginal comments. walking back from tryouts was very quite and not to mention a little tiring because the school was a good distance from the house we all lived in but ive dealt with way worse things.

Finally walking through the door we encountered Frank and Hazel watching Toy Story on the couch. In the least it was not one of Percy's brightest moments because oh gods.

"Look Annabeth! Look arent they adorable! I acnt believe I shipped Lazel! Frazel is so adorable plus I think Leo has someone in mind ooh i wonder who it is I bet I could..." he started mumbling to himself.

"This is my boyfriend" i said under my breath smiling forcefully at Frank and Hazel looking very confused at Percy's incomprehensible muttering. I hauled Percy to my room. He kept muttering to himself about couples and who would look the best claiming me and him had first place with Jasper whoever that was in second. As much as I loved Percy sometimes I was appaled at some of the things he does. I threw my bags on my bed throwing myself on their as well sighing into my pillow. I finally looked up at Percy to see him looking at my collection of books.

"What language is this in! I cant understand what it means is this like some kind of ancient form of talking because this sort of reminds me of the way Zoe talked..." Percy said picking up A Tale Of Two Cities.

"No it's just early english which could be an entirely differnt dialect with today's way of speaking english" I said pushing my things off of my bed to be able to sit up more comfortably.

"Why do you looks so upset?" he sat next to me on the bed throwing an arm around my shoulders hugging me to his side.

"It's just that.." I started trying to grasp into words what I was feeling."We're Seniors" i finally managed to say.

"Yes and.."

"schools almost over" I Finally choked out.

"Okay im still not seeing the problem" he said after a while.

"Dont worry about it" I said standing up and pulling him up with me.

"Are you sure? You looked really upset earlier" He said looking down at me.

"Perfect" I said.

"Perfect" He responded.

(::) (::) (::)

Percy Pov

There was something bothering Annabeth but I dont want to push her until she's ready to tell me. So I would wait. It was already 10 at night when i heard Annabeth scream.

I quickly went down the stairs 3 at a time with the others following me. I burst open Annabeth's door where i saw her tears streaming down her face. I quickly told the others that it was fine and that it was fine with no explanation and went inside the room to help Annabeth. She didnt say anything because I already knew she didnt need to explain.

I went and hugged her through her tears and just held her until she fell asleep and eventually fell asleep there too because she needed me there and i already knew. She didnt need to say anything for me to know. She didnt need to say anything for me to know that she was scared and she didnt need to explain herself as to why. I already knew and I would make to make it right and never let her be scared ever again. Becasue she is my evrything and i would make sure to talk to her the first thing in the morning.


Dedicated to @startrek007 !!! *throws confetti*

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