See for yourself

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Nico POV

(When he meets crystal)

Groaning I took my seat I hate being in a lower grade then everyone else. No one is in my classes so that means I have to be that one lone kid 'cause he doesn't know anyone. Oh well here I go. Wait what class is this? Oh math.

I feel someone take the seat next to me. She was beautiful. Her cute little nose her shining black hair with blue streaks and her warm chocolate brown eyes also her-

"Um hi I'm crystal you look new" she said sticking out her hand.

"Um y-yeah I'm Nico and I'm new" i said shaking her hand. wow smooth Nico

"Yeah you looked new quick tip mrs. Bove is a strict teacher break one of her rules your a goner"

The rest of the day was awesome we had most of our classes together and right now we were on the football. Just talking until this bulky guy came towards us.

"Hey babe" he said kissing cue the could I be so dumb of course a girl like her not have a boyfriend.

"Oh Nico this is brad my boyfriend" she said smiling. I smiled back like my heart hadn't just been broken into a million little pieces its not like it hasn't happened before. I've never had luck in love.

Next we had gym. Then the bell rung that saved me more awkward time with the couple. I headed towards the gym not bothering to wait for crystal.

I went into the boys locker rooms and changed into the school uniform a blue shirt that said Goode high school and grey basketball shorts. I came out and saw brad and crystal already changed and talking to the coach.

"Okay small fries your going to take a fitness test to see who can do what okay first is the rope climb grade record holder brad Caldwell school record holder Jason Grace" the coach said no surprise there.

We all lined up and pairs went crystals time was pretty good she beat the other girl she went against. Now it was mine and brads turn.

"And go"coach said. I had lots of climbing experience so it was easy I rung the bell and 11 seconds later brad rings the bell.

"Wow Di Angelo you got the record and beat it by 12 seconds" coach said

I jumped down without the rope and landed swiftly on my feet. Most people would have broken a leg. Hehe I'm so awesome. The rest of gym went that way. It was actually fun making Brad mad. After gym brad and crystal left. I stayed cause the the coach wanted to talk to me.

"Hey di'Angelo just asking to see if your going to join any sport"

"I'm not really sure sir" for some odd reason he calls me by my last name.

"We'll you should try out for soccer you look like a good player tryouts are this Friday" he said and left. Well maybe I should join soccer I need something to fill my days anyway. I don't know I feel different I used to be quite and mysteriously not that I'm not well I don't know it just feels.... different.

I walked out of the gym to see something .....disturbing? Brad was kissing another girl that wasn't crystal didn't they leave? Ever so quietly I walked around them and ran I needed to get crystal the fact that he was cheating on her made me want to punch the daylights out of him. Crystal was so outgoing and nice she didn't deserve to go through this so I just had to show crystal what a cheater he is and I don't know what after that.


"C'mon just come I'm going to prove to you that he is a cheater just listen" right now I was arguing with crystal so I was going to let her find out her self yeah I decided to ditch that plan. She doesn't deserve that. But crystal was also really dense. Even more than Percy....nah no one is more dense then Percy I mean seriously- wait getting off track.

"Okay you know what come see for yourself" I said and dragged her with me to the gym that was empty.

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