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Percy POV

What theHades happened. we walked into Leo and Frank fighting which consisted of Leo using fire and frank turning into various animals and hazel trying to break them up without getting burnt or attacked. while piper and Jason were yelling at each other. Clarrisse was throwing things at Chris while he tried to dodge them. the things consisted of spoons bowls etc. Travis was being tied down by vines while Katy ranted slapping him now and them. Nico looked mad and Conner just sat there eating popcorn like world war three wasnt going on. It was Chaos.

"WHAT THE HADES IS GOING ON" me and Annabeth said at the same time. everyone stopped what they were found to look at us. we leave for a couple of hours and they do this. It's ridiculous usually I'm the one who does this Jason is the responsible one oh god IM TURNING INTO JASON.
I guess I had a horrified look on my face and Annabeth started to shake me to get my mind off the fact that I was TURNING INTO JASON.

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

"Okay okay I'm back I was just realizing I was turning into Jason I'm fine" Annabeth continued to shake me" I said I was fine" then slowly she Let go of me.

"Should I be offended or something. you know just wondering" Jason broke in. I merely shrugged.

"Can you two like leave its kind of hard to argue with you guys here you know SO LEAVE" Clarrisse said that everyone started all over again.

"Conner get you're butt up here" Annabeth said.

"What I didn't do anything if you should punish anyone it should be them" he said pointing to everyone.

"Oh my god I really hoped it whilst come up to this but" she stood up on a chair grabbed a blow horn that came from nowhere and blew it. that sure got some sense into everyone.

"Okay guys I really hoped it didn't have to come to this but you left me no choice it's group therapy time" everyone looked at her like she was crazy even I did. I mean come on its group therapy isn't that the slightest bit weird I mean really.

"Everyone follow me and I mean it" so we all followed her into the lounge and then she quickly began grabbing all the weapons in the room, and put them downstairs. then came right back up duck taped pipers mouth gave her a dry erase board. Then got a bucket of ice made Leo put his hands in it gave tied Jason Travis and Conner to the couch tied Clarrisse and Chris to the couch as well made sure Clarrisse couldn't throw anything and say down.

She sighed and said" who wants to go first" when no one raised there hand she got up pulled Katie to her side.

"Katie what is wrong with you and Travis" Katie sighed.

"Well he said my powers were stupid" she said bluntly. wait is she serious oh hades I think she is.

"So I tied him with vines and slapped him a couple times and gave him a lecture I didn't even finish"

"I said I was sorry and I really am just don't slap me again" Travis said. Katie went over and hugged him. then slapped him again.

"Ow what was that for" Travis said rubbing his cheek with his free hand. Katie just shrugged and curled up to him. Travis just sighed. well that was stupid.

"Okay Clarrisse why are you mad at Chris " Annabeth said obviously disturbed by the fact that Travis hadn't really done anything.

"Don't know I was just mad" I am seriously about to leave. This is dumb we guys didn't do anything to deserve this I'm serious.

"What are you kidding me I got five bruises down my arm because you were mad" Clarrisse just glared" I still love you though" Chris said flinching.

"Okay now piper why are you mad at Jason"

Piper looked down to her board and scribbled I just don't feel like he's interested in me anymore it doesn't feel like we're dating anymore like in the beginning. I had just thought he was my boyfriend when it was just the mist.

"Piper I'm sorry I know I'm not putting as much in this relationship as I used to but I'm sorry I promise I'll try more please don't leave me please" Jason said. Awww. Wait what?Oh no IM GOING SOFT.

Ill never be able to leave you I love you

" I love you too don't ever forget that" Jason said. adorable NO NO I AM NOT GOING SOFT BAD FEELING OH NO THE FEELS HELP ME.

"Aww that was so cute okay moving on Frank Hazel and Leo"

Umm can I take off the duct tape

"Yeah sorry piper" Annabeth said.

"Now Frank Why were you fighting with Leo"

"He kissed Hazel that's why"

"I said I was sorry okay "

"You always wanted hazel"

"So what if I did"

"Why you little-"

"Guys just stop until you guys get you're act together I'm not dating any of you two" aww I wanted Frazel. What I didn't think that nope nope nope nope. This group therapy thing is seriously ruining me.

"Sorry Leo "Frank said.

"Sorry Frank" Leo said.

"Yay that's how I like my boys" hazel said hugging them.

"Umm Annabeth can I take my hands out now I think I got frost bite" Leo said.

"What oh yeah sure" she replied "now Nico why are you mad."

"Okay so there's this girl I really like but her boyfriend is a cheater and when I told her she got mad and said I was being a Jerk there.happy" he said looking even more mad.

"Well instead of telling her why not get proof " Annabeth said .

"You know that's actually a pretty good idea thanks Annabeth " Then he ran off to who knows where. I suddenly see Conner trying to escape.

"Um Conner get over here" she said.

"Darn it so close" he muttered.

"So what do you have to say for yourself"

"Umm sorry?" he said

"No Xbox wii or playstation and definitely no GTA V" ooh that hurts.

"What no please let me play GTA V just came out a few days ago noo please" at this point he was already on his knees "the same for Leo and Frank"

"What no that's so stupid we didn't do anything umm yes you did and you know the same for all the boys except Percy and Nico"

"What why don't they get punished Nico didn't do anything and Percy probably blew something up already" Jason alleged. while I did a little happy dance in my seat, but I will admit it was a little stupid I got to follow the bro code.

"Annabeth don't you think it's a little unfair I mean half of the fights were stupid and we don't really get appreciated as much too"

"Oh so your asking to get punished to. Okay then no GTA V oh and for all the boys in relationships no kisses for a month right girls"

A chorus of yeses and yeps were exchanged. Wait I can live without GTA V I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT ANNABETH'S KISSES. I got on my knees and pleaded.

"No no please please don't take that away" and so were all the other boys in relationships. pleading the rest for GTA V.

"Nope sorry" and just like that they all walked away.

Moral of the day. NEVER go against your girlfriend.

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