Character bio

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Author: Greetings, my esteemed readers, and welcome to my first book. Now I am going to keep this short......I don't really like how some people write abuse and neglect stories. First off I don't like how some stories show abusers "realize the error of their ways" far too quickly by either the main MC disappearing that day or something completely different. 

Secondly, there is no context on why the MC was abused, they just show him getting abused for no reason. So that is why I want to create my own story but I give you this warning, I am new to this so I don't fully understand how to write a story so there will be mistakes here and there. So you have been warned. So without further haste, ON WITH THE BIO.

A/n: I take no credit for any video or images used. All rights go to their respective creators.


Name: Y/n (Your/name)

Surname: Rose

Age: 14

Hair color: [Previously] Black with red tips; [Current] White (Due to stress)

Eye color: Silver

Height: 5'6"

Gender: Male


-Summer Rose (Biological mother) [Is alive in this AU]

-Taiyang Xiao Long (Biological father)

-Yang Xiao Long (Half sister)

-Ruby Rose (Biological sister) [She is a year older than you]

-Qrow Branwen (Uncle)

-Raven Branwen (Non-biological mother) [She does return home on Patch when her job with the tribe (They are more like hired guns) is done for the day.]

Aura: Currently locked???

Aura color: ????

Semblance: ?????


Personality: Y/n is a kind and caring individual, always striving to lend a helping hand to those around him

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Personality: Y/n is a kind and caring individual, always striving to lend a helping hand to those around him. He is very respectful toward his elders while helping anyone in need. However, Y/n harbors a profound resentment towards those who had subjected him to both verbal and physical abuse, fueling a deep-seated hatred towards his tormentors.

Likes: Reading, Cooking, Trying to learn new things, Sleeping, Helping people in need, and Eating delicious foods.

Dislikes: Huntsmen and huntress in general, His whole family, Huntsmen Academies, All Beacon staff, Beacon students, Jenny Ironwood (Female James Ironwood), Winter Schnee, Olivia (Female Ozpin), Glynda Goodwitch, Bullies, and Racist.

Powers and abilities: Y/n possesses exceptional intelligence and strategic thinking skills, making him a master tactician. He is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat, displaying expertise in various fighting styles. 

Notably, Y/n has a remarkable ability to quickly learn and grasp new concepts, allowing him to acquire knowledge and skills in a significantly shorter time frame than average. He demonstrates proficiency in both ranged and bladed weapons, with a particular focus on honing his skills with bladed weaponry.


(A/N: Since Y/n's family harbored deep hatred toward him, they had not gotten him any type of weapon for him. As a result, he took matters into his own hands and turned to nature itself, utilizing his resourceful skills to craft his own weapons.)

Stone dagger: After numerous trials and errors, Y/n had finally achieved the best outcome for this weapon

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Stone dagger: After numerous trials and errors, Y/n had finally achieved the best outcome for this weapon. A stone dagger that is both exceptionally sturdy and sharp, making it effective for both slashing and stabbing opponents and Grimm alike. 

Y/n crafted two of these daggers, displaying his prowess by dual-wielding this weapon, alternating between a front and reverse grip depending on the situation in combat.

Weapon status: Currently Unknown.

(A Mongolian) Recurve bow: After countless trials and errors, Y/n has successfully crafted a formidable weapon

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(A Mongolian) Recurve bow: After countless trials and errors, Y/n has successfully crafted a formidable weapon. This extraordinary bow possesses tremendous power and precision, enabling Y/n to shoot with exceptional accuracy at distances exceeding 800 meters (874 yards).

Weapon Status: During a combat exercise, the weapon was intentionally broken in half by Nora Valkyrie.

Bio: From the day of his birth until his current age, Y/n has endured a life filled with relentless abuse and neglect, for a completely unknown reason as to why. At the tender age of 4, his life took a dark turn, as it marked that day when things would only get worse for him. 

The family, who he thought would protect and love him, showed no such thing, instead finding pleasure in subjecting him to verbal and physical torment, without concern for his well-being.  As if things weren't worse already his family would often kick the boy outside of the house to teach a lesson. The fact that they lived in a forest that was infested with Grimm was something that didn't cross their minds. 

Though being kicked out of the house did serve a benefit, as he had learned quite a few skills such as, how to hunt and cook food, what were the best way of killing Grimm, and even crafting basic weapons and tools (Bows, Spears, Dagger, etc....). However, on one fateful day, the headmistress of Beacon Academy came and offered him a spot in her prestigious school. Think of this as a turning point in life he accepted the offer, not knowing things would turn out for the worst.


A/n: And.......updated. I have finally made the necessary changes to the Character Bio so it makes a bit more sense and is a bit more polished. Anyway, that's all I really have to say for now but that, unfortunately, means this concludes this chapter. If any of you have questions regarding the story, notice any grammatical errors, or find anything wrong with any part of it, please feel free to let me know in the comments. The total word count is 926 words.

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