{Ark 3} Chapter 1: End of Term Exam: Part 1

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Author: Greetings everyone, and welcome back! So to start this chapter off, I have given i short run down on what happened from the last chapter to now. With that said this is the beginning of the final ark, so in other words, this story is coming to an end soon and I can't wait. Anywho, without further ado, ON WITH THE CHAPTER.


The quirk I'll be using all comes from the page "Quirk Works" by the user "Quirk Wizard" on Tumblr. The link to his page is here: https://quirkwizard.tumblr.com/

Info Card:


Italic = Thoughts

(*Insert*) = Actions

("Insert") = Translation

"Text" = Voice in head

Text = Serious tone or Emphasis

Text = Memory

{Insert} = Stutter Translation

[Quirk Name] = Active quirk

<Text> = Phone call

A/n: I take no credit for any video or images used. All rights go to their respective creators.


(Y/n POV)

Two months. That is how long it has been since our return back to U.A. after our internships, and let's just say, a lot of things have occurred during that time. For starters, my therapy sessions were a great help. I was somewhat able to reconcile without myself. This in turn allows me to see my power not as a burden but more as a gift. So, with this new mindset, I was allowed to be less scared of my powers, allowing me to use them more frequently than before.

As I came to this realization, I began practicing more with the powers that I had at my disposal. In doing so, I figured out new tricks, how to use them, what their physical limitations were but most of all, how to improve said power by either making it stronger or trying to figure out ways to make it more efficient. As for my studies, they have seen some improvement compared to previous years. To be clear, I'm not the top student in my class, ranking sixth overall. However, I still can keep up with some of the more smarter people in my class.

(Author: And on that note, what Quirks should Y/n copy? Let me know in the comment.)

Speaking of my classmates, we quickly formed bonds with one another, some even becoming best friends. So it didn't come as a surprise, that when the June exam rolled around, the class quickly banded together in the common area, where we all studied with the smart member of our class, helping tutor the ones who were struggling.

So when the exams rolled around, all of us were severely stressed out because of it, but in the end, everyone had passed. And now, we find ourselves here. For us to pass this term, we had to do two things. First, was a written portion, in which we would start writing on the twenty-eight of June and finish off on the thirtieth of June. After that, we would move on to the second part of this exam: The practical. 

[1 July 2169; 10:04 | Location: U.A. High School, Central Plaza]

 High School, Central Plaza]

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