Y/n Quirk(s) List

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Author: Greetings, reader! Future Author here. I am going to say this now, I'm scarping some things about this quirk before Ark 2 begins. Reason? Well, I haven't fully figured out how this damn quirk should work, then gaining new ideas for it. So here's what I got. 

The first change I'm adding is a new function that I'm calling "Combine". In short, when the user can combine copies of two quirks at the same time, create a new quirk from the two, i.e. [Zero Gravity] + [Overhaul] = Gravity Manipulation. However, the user won't use this till later in the story.  

The second change that I'm making is the removal of the "Outside" gimmick, where the quirk factor that was copied is moved outside the "Core". It was a stupid idea and I hated it, so I got rid of it. 

The third change I'm making is now this work actually has a limit on how many quirks he can copy for now. I haven't fully decided on the number yet, though I was thinking maybe 11 or 12 quirks. That is all the changes for now, so without further haste, ON WITH THE CHA-I mean LIST.


The quirk I'll be using all comes from the page "Quirk Works" by the user "Quirk Wizard" on Tumblr. The link is here: https://quirkwizard.tumblr.com/

A/n: I take no credit for any video or images used. All rights go to their respective creators.


Original Quirk List:

Quirk wielder match: Ochaco Uraraka

Quirk: Zero Gravity (Different)

Type: Emitter

Quirk Description: This Quirk allows the user to remove the effects of gravity from solid things upon touching them with the pads on their fingertips.


Quirk wielder match: Shota Aizawa

Quirk: Erasure (Different)

Type: Emitter

Quirk Description: This Quirk allows the user to cancel out the Quirk of anyone they look at.


Quirk wielder match: Denji Iwasaki

Quirk: Interface (Different)

Type: Emitter

Quirk Description: This Quirk allows the user to interact with electronics via contact with them, with blue lines traveling across their arm as they use the Quirk.


Quirk wielder match: Nirengeki Shoda

Quirk: Twin Impact (Different)

Type: Emitter

Quirk Description: This Quirk allows the user to, at the site of any initial impact, create a second impact remotely and at their discretion.


Quirks That Were Created:

Quirk: Polymath

Type: Mutant

Quirk Description: This Quirk alters the user's form, making them more adept at learning and retaining information. This lets the user learn and practice skills and techniques much faster than other people. Not only can they pick up on them quickly, but grow them faster as well, letting them master a skill in a fraction of the time. This can cover a wide variety of subjects, such as mental skills like math, physical skills like martial arts, or crafting skills like painting. Even more complex skills like surgery can be learned by the user.


Quirk: Recovery

Type: Mutant

Quirk Description: This Quirk alters the user's body to decrease the recovery time of their body, able to heal their body much faster. For instance, they gain stamina back much faster than the average person, seemingly coming back even as it is being drained, and their muscles rebuild themselves faster, giving them less time to be sore. Even the healing process itself seems to be quickened, recovering even from major injuries in a fraction of the time.


Quirks That Underwent Modification (Quirk labeled "different" included):

Quirk Used: Erasure

Quirk: Gaze Over

Type: Emitter

Quirk Description: This Quirk allows the user to gain information on Quirks just by looking at a user. The user can learn all sorts of facts about the Quirk at even a cursory glance. For instance, by looking at Tsuyu, they can tell she has a Mutant type Quirk that gives her the traits of a frog. With more looking, the user can determine how far she can jump, the length of her tongue, the exact temperature she starts to hibernate, and much more. Even traits more unique to a user, such as Awakenings or Super Moves, can be learned by the user.


Quirk Used: Zero Gravity

Quirk: Draw

Type: Emitter

Quirk Description: This Quirk allows the user to change the effects of gravity's pull relative to the rest of their body. In effect, this makes it so the user can defy gravity and move on surfaces like gravity was pulling them in that direction, able to move on walls and ceilings without falling down. The user can apply this to almost any surface, even ones that are moving or too small to support the user, such as clinging to another person, all of which can be done rapidly.


Quirk Used: Twin Impact

Quirk: Overcharged

Type: Emitter

Quirk Description: This Quirk allows the user to supercharge the kinetic energy they create, empowering their physical actions. This greatly augments the user's movements, improving speed and attacking power whenever they apply it. The user can control where and how much of this effect is utilized, such as by only applying a small percent of their charge to their finger while pushing their legs to make them move at immense speeds. At the strongest output, the user can punch their steel and move like a blur. The user can even siphon off this kinetic energy from objects for certain effects, such as causing them to launch forward at high speeds or burst apart like a bomb.


Quirk Used: Interface

Quirk: Metal Head

Type: Mutant

Quirk Description: This Quirk alters the user's cranium, giving it a metallic appearance. With this, the user may mentally interact with electricity-based machinery within a five-meter radius. This makes it so the user can interact with it without touching it, such as turning it on or off, their brain acting like a universal remote. For example, they can activate a computer and start typing with their mind, their own thoughts appearing on the machine. This also gives the user a sixth sense of where nearby machinery is.



Author: Okay, so there are a total of 6 quirks. Now let it be known that these are the quirks I will be primarily focusing on for my story... for now. Also, a small reminder, the full potential of these quirks won't be reached until much later in the story, so stay tuned for that. 

A/n (1): I want to say that Garaki now has the capabilities of creating this new digital blueprint of how to easily create new quirks, all thanks to the experiments done on y/n. Meaning he can easily make copies of any quirks that were in his lab with little difficulty.

Author: And I guess that's all I really have to say. Now if any of you have questions either it be finding grammatical errors that need to be fixed or you found something wrong with the story in general, please tell me in the comments. The total word count for this chapter is 1110 words.

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