{Ark 1} Chapter 6: The Friendly Chat

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Author: Greetings everyone, and welcome back! So now for this chapter, I wanted to give the audience a little insight into what has been going on in the background for our cast as well as a few character re-introductions. Know with that tidbit out of the way, ON WITH THE CHAPTER.

Info Card:


Italic = Thoughts

(*Insert*) = Actions

("Insert") = Translation

"Text" = Voice in head

Text = Memory

{Insert} = Stutter Translation

[Quirk Name] = Active quirk

<Text> = Phone call

A/n: I take no credit for any video or images used. All rights go to their respective creators.


(Y/n POV)

[19 April, 12:30 | Location: U.A. High School]

(Scene Change: Hallway)

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(Scene Change: Hallway)

The bell had rung, signaling the end of the fourth period and as well as indicating that it was finally lunchtime

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The bell had rung, signaling the end of the fourth period and as well as indicating that it was finally lunchtime. I had just come out of the door to my classroom and entered the hallway. Soon enough the hallways came to life within a minute, as many different students began chatting with one another. As I was walking, I was accompanied by my friend, and we made the long trek all the way toward the cafeteria.

(Timeskip, 12:37 | Location: U.A. High School, Lunch Rush Cafeteria)

 High School, Lunch Rush Cafeteria)

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