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Author: Greetings, everyone, and welcome to the revised prologue for 'The Abused Becomes a Hero'. I must say that not much will be changed from the original prologue just that it's a bit more polished, in a sense. One of the reasons that I am doing this is that it originally sounded like one of those generic "abused and neglected reader" stories and I didn't like that one bit. So that's why I'm changing it so that it is more unique. So with that out of the way, ON WITH THE CHAPTER.

Info Card:


Italic = Thoughts

(*Insert*) = Actions

("Insert") = Translation

A/n: I take no credit for any video or images used. All rights go to their respective creators.


[Location: Emerald Forest]

(Narrators POV)

Located in the middle of a forest, a dark silhouette of an individual can be seen limping slowly down a pathway, clearly without a destination in mind.

Located in the middle of a forest, a dark silhouette of an individual can be seen limping slowly down a pathway, clearly without a destination in mind

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(A/n: Remove the lantern stick the man is holding)

This mysterious figure is none other than our main protagonist, Y/n Rose, who is currently enduring one of the worst days of his entire life. You may be asking yourself, what happened? Well, to truly understand his complete story, we must take a journey back into Y/n's past, so we can unravel the events that have brought us to this point in time.

*Flashback start*

Within a dimly lit attic, a 4-year-old y/n, who at this moment possessed black hair, could be seen sitting on the floor, hugging his knee to his chest as tears streamed down his face. The reason for this was that he had overheard a conversation that his family had about him.

(No one POV: 10 minutes ago)

Y/n, currently hiding by the staircase, was silently eavesdropping on the conversation that his family was currently having. At this moment, they were discussing about Y/n as a whole.

Summer: (*in an annoyed tone*) Tai, that's it! I know we promised we'd try to raise him, but I can hardly stand to look at him anymore!

Tai: (*sighs*) I know Summer, we should have just gotten that abortion from the start.

Raven: Hmm, maybe I got an idea. (*everyone was listening*) What if we just made him do everything around the house?

Qrow: (*confused*) You mean to make him into a slave?

Raven: Kind of. We could just make him do all the cleaning, cooking, laundry, you know, any form of manual labor that needs to be done around the house. Think of it as him paying off his debt for the misery he has caused in our lives.

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