Chronicles of Remnant: Beginning of the end

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Hey everyone, the author here and welcome to the second installment of the "Chronicles of Remnant". First off before I get into this chapter note, I want to give a quick apology for the long delay in updating the story. I was tired and had many problems on this side, so it took me some time to write this. So again sorry.

Now let me give you guys some more context about the story. Firstly Tai, Summer, and Raven were not abusers toward Y/n. They would punish him but more like how a parent punishes their child to discipline them. Instead, Ruby and Yang were the ones who abused him physically. 

Secondly, Qrow usually is away from the Xiao Long resistance and visits rarely in fear that his semblance will cause problems. More tidbits of his character are revealed later into the chapter.

The third note is a bit complicated to explain. You see Olivia (fem Ozpin) wasn't inherently bad like the others. What I mean is that the events in her life, from dealing with Salem to the Amber situation and the Council, had taken a toll on her. She was constantly stressed out daily while also receiving numerous complaints daily wore her down. Eventually, it drove her to the point where she had enough and decided to take action. She blindly decided to believe the majority of people's words instead of double-checking information.

The last thing I should note is that Y/n was the leader of his team. Just like Ruby, Y/n was made team leader as a way to help him mature as a person. The reason is Olivia was informed of his "behavior" beforehand and thought that this may help him become a better person overall. 

Side note: All of Y/n's teammates were female, which led to some unexpected consequences. More of this will be explained later in this chapter.

Now with that out of the way, I would like to point out that I have used external sources to ensure the consistency of my story.

For my world-building, I'll be using: ( ) And ( )

The timeline I'll be using: ( )

Check them out for a more detailed look at the show RWBY. Now, ON WITH THE CHAPTER.

Info Card:


Italic = Thoughts

(*Insert*) = Actions

"Text" = Voice in head

{Insert} = Stutter Translation

Text = Serious tone or Emphasis

<Text> = Phone call

A/n: I take no credit for any video or images used. All rights go to their respective creators.


[14 October 81 AGW, 12:42 | Location: Vale, Crow Bar]

(Narrator POV)

(Narrator POV)

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