{Ark 2} Chapter 4: And the winner is...

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Author: Greetings everyone, and welcome back! To start off I with what going to happen in this chapter. One.) I'll skip a lot of fights and will be going directly to the semi-final and Two.) People might find this exciting because there are going to be actual fights in this chapter, however, I keep this short I don't know if it is good or not so feedback will be greatly appreciated. *Sigh* Yay that's all I have to say. So without further haste, ON WITH THE CHAPTER.


The quirk I'll be using all comes from the page "Quirk Works" by the user "Quirk Wizard" on Tumblr. The link to his page is here: https://quirkwizard.tumblr.com/

Info Card:


Italic = Thoughts

(*Insert*) = Actions

("Insert") = Translation

"Text" = Voice in head

Text = Serious tone or Emphasis

Text = Memory

{Insert} = Stutter Translation

[Quirk Name] = Active quirk

<Text> = Phone call

A/n: I take no credit for any video or images used. All rights go to their respective creators.


(Y/n POV)

[3 May 2169; 13:32 | Location U.A. High School, Sports Festival Stadium]

 High School, Sports Festival Stadium]

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(Author: P.M. stands for Present Mic.)


I could be seen sitting with my classmates, in the bleachers, watching as the contestants for this match to come to the center arena.


To the left of the arena stood Hananbi and to the right it was Shiro. Both of them took a stance while staring down at one another, trying to gauge what their first move would be. After a bit of waiting, Aunty made the call.

Midnight: START!!!

Without missing a beat, Shiro, with a face of determination, put up both her hands forward and unleashed a massive beam of light directly at Hanabi. Instantly recognizing the threat, Hanabi did a counter of her own. Frost began to materialize beneath her feet, and quickly spread on the floor, covering it in a thin sheet of ice. Bearly a second later a thick ice wall erupted in front of her, forming a barrier just in the nick of time.

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