Chronicles of Remnant: Aftermath

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Hey everyone, the author here, and welcome to the final chapter of this story. First off, I want to thank everyone who decided to read this story. I feel honored that guys enjoyed this story. So, once again, from the bottom of my heart thank you. 

As I did say earlier in the intro this is the last chapter of this story. As it stood this was a Y/n story but would throw in this chapter to show a glimpse of what happened on the other side. So since his story is finished their no need to continue this one. However, that doesn't mean it is over yet. I do plan on sending our Y/n back to Remnent with the thing being that it would be its own book. 

But right now, I would like to write something different because I'm kind of sick and tired of writing this book, so there is that. Anyway, that's all I got to say so enjoy the chapter.

External sources were used to ensure the consistency of this story.

For the world-building, I'll be using: ( ) And ( )

The timeline I'll be using: ( )

Check them out for a more detailed look at the show RWBY. Now, ON WITH THE CHAPTER.

Info Card:


Italic = Thoughts

(*Insert*) = Actions

"Text" = Voice in head

{Insert} = Stutter Translation

Text = Serious tone or Emphasis

<Text> = Phone call

A/n: I take no credit for any video or images used. All rights go to their respective creators.


[Date: ??? | Location: ???]

The scene opened up to a bright-lit room with there currently being two occupants present. In said room, there was a singular bed that was pushed up against the wall. To the right of the bed, there is one large window which is covered by a curtain. By said window, to the right, there is a comfortable armrest chair placed in the corner of the room.

 By said window, to the right, there is a comfortable armrest chair placed in the corner of the room

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Sitting in the chair provided was Summer Rose, who at this moment, wasn't doing so well. Dark circles were present under her eyes, with her hair was currently a disheveled mess. Upon closer inspection, you could see that she lost a considerable amount of weight as her clothes now hung loose on her body. While she was seated in place her mind was somewhere else, with her inner demon playing tricks in her mind.

As for why she was here of all places was because of the other occupant in this room. Lying on the bed was a comatose Ruby Rose. Amidst the chaos of her battle, where she was fighting a hoard of Grimm by the CCT,  she was crushed by large chunks of debris from the tower itself. As the rubble came crashing down on top of her, it hit her head with a large amount of force that led to her going into a coma.

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