{Ark 0} Chapter 13: Safe, but at what cost

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Author: Greetings, everyone, and welcome to the revised chapter for 'The Abused Becomes a Hero'. So here is the thing, I'm revisiting these old chapters and making necessary changes to each of them. I must say, not much will be changed in the old version, but will be significantly better than the previous iteration. So with that out of the way, ON WITH THE CHAPTER.


The quirk I'll be using all comes from the page "Quirk Works" by the user "Quirk Wizard" on Tumblr. The link is here: https://quirkwizard.tumblr.com/

Info Card:


Italic = Thoughts

(*Insert*) = Actions

("Insert") = Translation

"Text" = Voice in head

Text = Memory

{Insert} = Stutter Translation

[Quirk Name] = Active quirk

<Text> = Phone call

A/n: I take no credit for any video or images used. All rights go to their respective creators.


[April 9, 23:38 JST | Location: ????]

(Y/n POV)











Y/n: Where am I?

Looking around, I was greeted with the sight of a vast endless void of pure darkness surrounding me in all directions. The abyss seemed to swallow everything, leaving me disoriented and lost in the vast expanse of this void, seemingly going on forever. Confusion quickly turned into panic, as I tried to understand what was happening. My mind raced with so many questions, yet there were so few answers.










???: B..........e........B..............




A faint noise, barely above a whisper, penetrated the silence but I couldn't hear it, as I was so lost in my thoughts.










Y/n: (*looks at hands*) Did I die?



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