Author: Important Update

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Author: Hello everyone, it is I, the author. To all those who are reading this, I have something important to say. First of all, I am planning to do a major overhaul of this story. In basic terms, I will rewrite a lot of these chapters, improving them overall while also making some necessary edits in some places. The reason for this is because the writing I did for this story was mediocre at best, and I would like to change that.

Another reason is that the sequel, yes there is a sequel coming, will be far easier to write without retconning my own story, which would be a lot by the way, and I don't want that. However, the core of the story that I wrote previously would stay the same, the only change being the wording and maybe a bit more detail in some places. At most, the biggest change really is the quirk that Y/n possesses as well as how his quirk works in general.

Though it may not seem important, I plan on importing this, and any other story I write, to Ao3 as I fear that I might get banned from this platform one day. As for when the sequel will come out, I don't know for sure. I would estimate sometime in June, but my other story "The Eternal One For All" is still in progress. I could potentially work on both simultaneously, but it would cause more stress for me and possibly delay chapters from being released.

Who knows? Well, that is all I have to say for now. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments, and I'll do my best to answer them. Well, that is all, see you all later. Bye!

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