{Ark 2} Chapter 9: Results

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Author: Greetings everyone, and welcome back! Another short chapter that will just so the progress of a few people. Not to mention that this chapter also concludes this Ark's so theirs that. So in other words, the next chapter will focus on events currently happening on Remnants. Now then, ON WITH THE CHAPTER.


The quirk I'll be using all comes from the page "Quirk Works" by the user "Quirk Wizard" on Tumblr. The link to his page is here: https://quirkwizard.tumblr.com/

Info Card:


Italic = Thoughts

(*Insert*) = Actions

("Insert") = Translation

"Text" = Voice in head

Text = Serious tone or Emphasis

Text = Memory

{Insert} = Stutter Translation

[Quirk Name] = Active quirk

<Text> = Phone call

A/n: I take no credit for any video or images used. All rights go to their respective creators.


(Y/n POV)

[15 May 2169; 15:34 | Location: U.A. High School; Ground Gamma

It was currently Monday, which meant that our internship had concluded the precious day with classes resuming for us in the hero course

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It was currently Monday, which meant that our internship had concluded the precious day with classes resuming for us in the hero course. However, due to me spending time with my parents the previous day, I arrived quite late into the night well after my required window of return.

Thankfully, Uncle let it slide this once and told me to just go to bed. The following day, which is now, many of my classmates talked about their internship, with me also doing it as well, retelling my tale to my friends and vice versa before classes even started. And now here we are, in the afternoon, at Ground Gamma for our Foundational Hero class.

We stood as a group in front of the gates with Uncle standing in front of our group as he told us what he had in mind.

Aizawa: Alright, class, for today's lesson, we will be conducting a little race. This exercise will help me gauge your current level and evaluate what you've learned from your internships. This will help us better understand where you need to improve. Each of you will be competing in groups of five, and your goal for this race is to reach the designated zone as quickly as you can. Each person will start from a different point within the factory zone. When the buzzer is pressed, that's when you begin. Any questions? (*No one responded*) Good. Let's get you all grouped up.

(Author: Since I'm only showing one group in this chapter, here are the people who will be participating. The first is our MC, Y/n, the second is Akira Mizuki, the third is Yasu Usagiyama, the fourth is Miyako Shimizu and finally, the fifth, is Yosuke Himura.)

Once all the groups had been set up, the exercise could truly begin with my group being the first to start. Stepping inside Ground Gamma, it became clear why this location had been chosen. It was a tightly packed factory and industrial area, creating a challenging course with numerous obstacles to navigate. After a while, I reached my designated starting point. The tension was high as we waited for the buzzer. After a few short minutes, the sound of a loud buzz could be heard through the area, signaling the start of the race.

We all booked it as fast as we could toward the goal area, as everyone was showing improvement with their quirks. First, there was Akira, who with the help of his quirk, began to send out a flurry of cards ahead of him, which he then telekinetically controlled, creating a platform in front of him before jumping on top of it, granting the ability to somewhat "fly" through the course. 

Then there was Yasu, relying on her powerful leg muscles, leaping great bounds through the course with such a speed clearing large distances in a short period. The same could also be said about Yosuke, whose quirk grants him superhuman-like strength, as he bounces around the place, sometimes soaring over the terrain, reminiscent of how Bakugo uses his explosive propulsion when he uses quirk. 

As for Miyako, she had the biggest advantage in this place, as she could be seen using her quirk her repel herself off any of the metal surfaces launching herself in the air where she would then reel herself to metal-specific areas, allowing her to quickly cover a lot of ground with simple moves. 

And then there was me, where I was using the excess energy stored from [Invigor] to give myself a massive boost in my stats, allowing me to move faster than I ever was before. With this boost, I  could be seen running on different flat surfaces to quickly change my tactic to jumping off from the surface. 

(A/n: Basically like this

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(A/n: Basically like this.)

All in all, this race was somewhat evenly evenly matched. However, we were all soon closing into the target area, basically all of us being neck and neck. So with a desperate play, I used every ounce of strength in my muscle to give me that final push allowing me to gain the victory. Not even a second later the other also finished the race. I was panting hard for a bit before I could regain my breath. Once I did I looked back to Aizawa who then spoke.

Aizawa: I'm impressed. You lot have shown quite a lot of improvement so far, some more than others. So keep up this level of progress for the upcoming final exam. Now then, group 1 heads back to the other while group 2 gets into position.

Group 1: HAI!

And with that, we headed back to the other so we could watch the other matches.

{Ark 2 - Sports Festival | Status: Complete}

{Next Ark: Ark 3 - Becoming a Hero}


Author: And finally done with this ark, which means one final ark to go. Now the actual pain of writing the next Rwby chapter is coming soon so expect some delays. With that info dump out of the way, here are some notes on the story. 

A/n (1): In this AU, Yasu Usagiyama, is the daughter of Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko) and Keigo Takami (Hawks)

A/n (2): When using the excess energy stored from [Invigor], the quirk causes y/n to have markings appear over his body.

Now, I hope you guys did enjoy this chapter since, I'm not too sure if it is good or not, so, feedback would be very much appreciated. And I guess that's all I really have to say. Now if any of you have questions whether it be finding grammatical errors that need to be fixed or you found something wrong with the story in general, please tell me in the comments. The total word count for this chapter is 1129 words.

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